ggmap 和 ggplot2 地图将线穿过点图例符号

ggmap and ggplot2 map putting lines across point legend symbols

我的代码非常适合制作这张热图,但在图例中有穿过符号的线条 "First" 和 "Second." 有没有人以前遇到过这个并且知道如何删除线条?


d <- data.frame(lat=c(32.754469, 32.758926, 39.78373, 39.78373, 32.758189, 32.754775, 32.75756, 39.78373, 32.7326038, 39.78373, 32.743025, 32.775465, 
        32.756845, 32.759155, 32.759651, 32.758805, 32.741087, 39.78373, 32.751075, 32.770205, 39.78373, 39.78373, 32.736632, 32.752218, 32.733958, 
        39.78373, 32.758586, 39.78373, 32.759155, 39.78373, 32.758861, 39.78373, 32.736632, 32.750376, 32.75301, 32.738772, 32.73412, 32.736597, 
        39.78373, 32.736632, 32.732869, 32.736632, 39.78373, 32.760497, 32.756845, 32.746779),
                lon=c(-97.819817, -97.796525, -100.445882, -100.445882, -97.750132, -97.800734, -97.799162, -100.445882, -97.758559, -100.445882, -97.777412, 
        -97.668538, -97.791722, -97.797588, -97.775083, -97.81442, -97.799367, -100.445882, -97.804373, -97.784773, -100.445882, -100.445882, 
        -97.796336, -97.785369, -97.785513, -100.445882, -97.813654, -100.445882, -97.797588, -100.445882, -97.793399, -100.445882, -97.796336, 
        -97.79245, -97.800555, -97.790529, -97.799786, -97.796319, -100.445882, -97.796336, -97.790895, -97.796336, -100.445882, -97.778662, -97.791722, -97.797658))

h <- data.frame(lat=c(32.742385, 32.741191, 32.724373, 32.731578, 32.73223, 32.730207, 32.73507, 32.759701, 32.767522, 32.762228),
                lon=c(-97.794423, -97.80461, -97.817111, -97.814845, -97.815078, -97.813889, -97.758229, -97.750443, -97.693563, -97.743093))

hd <- rbind(h,d)
hd$type <- c(rep("First",10),rep("Second",46))

mapImageData2 <- get_map(location=c(lon = -97.78, lat = 32.75), zoom=13, maptype='roadmap', color='color')
ggmap(mapImageData2) + stat_density2d(data=d, mapping=aes(x=lon, y=lat, fill = ..level..), 
geom="polygon", alpha=0.3) + scale_fill_continuous("Density", low="pink", high="red") + 
geom_point(data=hd, mapping=aes(lon, lat, shape = type, colour=factor(type)), size =3) + scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", "darkorchid")) +
labs(x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude', shape="Points of Interest", colour="Points of Interest") 


stat_density2d(data=d, mapping=aes(x=lon, y=lat, fill = ..level..), 
               geom="polygon", alpha=0.3, show_guide=FALSE)