在 Python 中的方法修饰期间传递 'self' 参数

Passing 'self' parameter during methods decorating in Python



from functools import update_wrapper

class _PrintingArguments:
    def __init__(self, function, default_comment, comment_variable):
        self.function = function
        self.comment_variable = comment_variable
        self.default_comment = default_comment
        update_wrapper(wrapped=function, wrapper=self)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        comment = kwargs.pop(self.comment_variable, self.default_comment)
        params_str = [repr(arg) for arg in args] + ["{}={}".format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
        function_call_log = "{}({})".format(self.function.__name__, ", ".join(params_str))
        print("Function execution - '{}'\n\t{}".format(comment, function_call_log))
        function_return = self.function(*args, **kwargs)
        print("\tFunction executed\n")
        return function_return

def function_log(_function=None, default_comment="No comment.", comment_variable="comment"):
    if _function is None:
        def decorator(func):
            return _PrintingArguments(function=func, default_comment=default_comment, comment_variable=comment_variable)
        return decorator
        return _PrintingArguments(function=_function, default_comment=default_comment, comment_variable=comment_variable)

# example use:
def a(*args, **kwargs):

@function_log(default_comment="Hello World!", comment_variable="comment2")
def b(*args, **kwargs):

a(0, x=1, y=2)
a(0, x=1, y=2, comment="Custom comment!")

b("a", "b", "c", asd="something")
b("a", "b", "c", asd="something", comment2="Custom comment for b!")


Function execution - 'No comment.'
    a(0, y=2, x=1)
    Function executed

Function execution - 'Custom comment!'
    a(0, y=2, x=1)
    Function executed

Function execution - 'Hello World!'
    b('a', 'b', 'c', asd='something')
    Function executed

Function execution - 'Custom comment for b!'
    b('a', 'b', 'c', asd='something')
    Function executed


class A:
    def __init__(self):

    def method1(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("\tself = {}".format(self))

    @function_log(default_comment="Something", comment_variable="comment2")
    def method2(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("\tself = {}".format(self))

a_obj = A()

a_obj.method1(0, 1, p1="abc", p2="xyz")
a_obj.method1(0, 1, p1="abc", p2="xyz", comment="My comment")

a_obj.method2("a", "b", p1="abc", p2="xyz")
a_obj.method2("a", "b", p1="abc", p2="xyz", comment="My comment 2")


Function execution - 'No comment.'
    method1(0, 1, p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = 0
    Function executed

Function execution - 'My comment'
    method1(0, 1, p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = 0
    Function executed

Function execution - 'Something'
    method2('a', 'b', p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = a
    Function executed

Function execution - 'Something'
    method2('a', 'b', comment='My comment 2', p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = a
    Function executed

参数 'self' 没有被我的装饰器传递给方法。
我想编写第二个装饰器 'method_log',它的工作方式与 'function_log' 非常相似。 对于代码:

class A:
    def __init__(self):

    def method1(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("\tself = {}".format(self))

    @fmethod_log(default_comment="Something", comment_variable="comment2")
    def method2(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print("\tself = {}".format(self))

a_obj = A()

a_obj.method1(0, 1, p1="abc", p2="xyz")
a_obj.method1(0, 1, p1="abc", p2="xyz", comment="My comment")

a_obj.method2("a", "b", p1="abc", p2="xyz")
a_obj.method2("a", "b", p1="abc", p2="xyz", comment="My comment 2")


Method execution - 'No comment.'
    method1(<__main__.A instance at ...>, 0, 1, p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = <__main__.A instance at ...> #
    Function executed

Method execution - 'My comment'
    method1(<__main__.A instance at ...>, 0, 1, p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = <__main__.A instance at ...>
    Function executed

Method execution - 'Something'
    method2(<__main__.A instance at ...>, 'a', 'b', p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = <__main__.A instance at ...>
    Function executed

Method execution - 'Something'
    method2(<__main__.A instance at ...>, 'a', 'b', comment='My comment 2', p2='xyz', p1='abc')
    self = <__main__.A instance at ...>
    Function executed

它不适用于您当前的设计,因为 classes 在 Python 中的工作方式。

当 class 被实例化时,其上的函数将绑定到该实例 - 它们成为绑定方法,因此 self 会自动传递。


class A:
    def method1(self):

>>> A.method1
<function A.method1 at 0x7f303298ef28>
>>> a_instance = A()
>>> a_instance.method1
<bound method A.method1 of <__main__.A object at 0x7f303a36c518>>

当 A 被实例化时,method1 神奇地从一个 function 变成 bound method.

您的装饰器替换了 method1 - 而不是真正的函数, 它现在是 _PrintingArguments 的一个实例。魔法 将函数转换为绑定方法的方法不适用于随机 对象,即使它们定义了 __call__ 以便它们表现得像一个函数。 (但是如果你的 class 实现了 Descriptor 协议,那么魔法 可以 应用,请参阅 ShadowRanger 的回答!)。

class Decorator:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

class A:
    def method1(self):

>>> A.method1
<__main__.Decorator object at 0x7f303a36cbe0>
>>> a_instance = A()
>>> a_instance.method1
<__main__.Decorator object at 0x7f303a36cbe0>

没有魔法。 A 实例上的 method1 不是绑定方法, 它只是一个带有 __call__ 方法的随机对象,不会有 self自动通过。

如果你想装饰方法你必须替换装饰函数 对于另一个实函数,具有 __call__ 的任意对象将不会执行。

您可以将当前代码改编为 return 一个真正的函数:

import functools

class _PrintingArguments:
    def __init__(self, default_comment, comment_variable):
        self.comment_variable = comment_variable
        self.default_comment = default_comment

    def __call__(self, function):
        def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
            comment = kwargs.pop(self.comment_variable, self.default_comment)
            params_str = [repr(arg) for arg in args] + ["{}={}".format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
            function_call_log = "{}({})".format(function.__name__, ", ".join(params_str))
            print("Function execution - '{}'\n\t{}".format(comment, function_call_log))
            function_return = function(*args, **kwargs)
            print("\tFunction executed\n")
            return function_return
        return decorated

def function_log(_function=None, default_comment="No comment.", comment_variable="comment"):
    decorator = _PrintingArguments(
    if _function is None:
        return decorator
        return decorator(_function)

如果你想让_PrintingArguments像普通函数一样绑定,这实际上是可行的,你只需要实现the descriptor protocol yourself to match the way built-in functions behave. Conveniently, Python provides types.MethodType,它可以用来从[创建一个绑定方法=32=]any 可调用,给定一个要绑定的实例,因此我们使用它来实现描述符的 __get__:

import types

class _PrintingArguments:
    # __init__ and __call__ unchanged

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if instance is None:
            return self  # Accessed from class, return unchanged
        return types.MethodType(self, instance)  # Accessed from instance, bind to instance

这与您在 Python 3 (Try it online!) 上的预期一样有效。在Python2上就更简单了(因为存在未绑定的方法,所以可以无条件调用types.MethodType):

import types

class _PrintingArguments(object):  # Explicit inheritance from object needed for new-style class on Py2
    # __init__ and __call__ unchanged

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return types.MethodType(self, instance, owner)  # Also pass owner

Try it online!

为了获得更好的性能(仅在 Python 2 上),您可以改为:

class _PrintingArguments(object):  # Explicit inheritance from object needed for new-style class on Py2
    # __init__ and __call__ unchanged

# Defined outside class, immediately after dedent
_PrintingArguments.__get__ = types.MethodType(types.MethodType, None, _PrintingArguments)

通过从 types.MethodType 自身中创建一个未绑定的方法,将 __get__ 的实现移至 C 层,从而从每次调用中消除字节码解释器开销。