无法使用 PageObjects 在 TestCafe 中从 .before 打开 Url (.navigateTo)

Unable to open Url (.navigateTo) from .before in TestCafe using PageObjects

我是 JS 和 TestCafe 的新手。

在 TestCafe 中使用 PageObjects 我的目标是在 运行 测试之前启动登录页面并进行身份验证。

.open 调用在固定装置中工作正常。也来自 with .before.

fixture `Check for new emails`
    .page `https://www.mail.com/myemails`

fixture `Check for new emails`
    .page `https://www.mail.com/myemails`

    .beforeEach(async t => {
        .page `https://www.mail.com/login`;

test ('', async t => {

    await t
    console.log("In the test step");


import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe';

export default class LoginPage {
    constructor () {
        this.loginInput    = Selector('input').withAttribute('id','email');
        this.passwordInput = Selector('input').withAttribute('id','password');
        this.signInButton  = Selector('button').withAttribute('class','big-button');
        this.userMenu      = Selector('a').withAttribute('data-which-id', 'gn-user-menu-toggle-button');

    async performLogin() {        
                console.log("function entered")
                .typeText(this.loginInput, 'user@mail.com')
                .typeText(this.passwordInput, 'password')
                console.log("Form submitted");


但我想像这样将登录 URL 加载移动到 PageObject:

    async performLogin() {        
                console.log("function entered")
                .navigateTo ("https://www.mail.com/login")

            await t
                .typeText(this.loginInput, 'user@mail.com')
                .typeText(this.passwordInput, 'password')
                console.log("Form submitted");

代码调用函数正常,但退出 .before 并跳转到测试步骤。


performLogin是一个异步方法。因此,您需要使用 await 关键字来调用它:

fixture `Check for new emails`
    .page `https://www.mail.com/myemails`

    .beforeEach(async t => {
        await myloginScreen.performLogin();