如果 属性 在定义元素之前设置了相同的名称,则 CustomElement 的初始化会删除 class 方法(get/set 也)

Initialisation of CustomElement removes class methods(get/set also) if property with same name set before element defined

自定义元素可以异步初始化,例如在延迟加载其定义后 class。

让我们看一下这个例子,我们在 DOM 中有一个尚未初始化的元素:


在初始化之前我们设置了这个元素的value 属性:

querySelector('component-with-async-init').value = "GETTERS SETTERS ARE KILLED"

然后我们通过将其定义为自定义元素来初始化该元素。如您所见,它的定义 class 对于 value 属性 有 getter 和 setter。

class ComponentWithAsyncInit extends HTMLElement{
    static get is() {
        return 'component-with-async-init'
    get value(){
        console.log("Getting value")
        return "VALUE FROM GETTER"
    set value(v){
        console.log("Setting value")

window.customElements.define(ComponentWithAsyncInit.is, ComponentWithAsyncInit);

getter 和 setters(或任何方法)现在被杀死,如您所见:

querySelector('component-with-async-init').value //"GETTERS SETTERS ARE KILLED"

我在最新的 Safari、Firefox 和 Chrome 中观察到此行为,其他未测试。此问题会影响 Polymer 和 Lit-Element 库以及纯自定义元素。 似乎它在每个浏览器中的工作方式都相同。

问题:这真的是预期的行为吗?如果在元素定义之前设置了 属性,则 Getters 和 Setters 以及任何方法都会被清除。如果是,什么是解决方法,因为我们通常无法控制何时设置元素值


document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').value = "SETTERS GETTERS KILLED"
document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').getSomeValue = "GET SOME VALUE KILLED"

class ComponentWithAsyncInit extends HTMLElement{
    static get is() {
        return 'component-with-async-init'
    get value(){
        console.log("Getting value")
        return "VALUE FROM GETTER"
    set value(v){
        console.log("Setting value")

        return "SOME VALUE"

window.customElements.define(ComponentWithAsyncInit.is, ComponentWithAsyncInit);
console.log("getSomeValue method:")
console.log("Reading value:")

这确实是预料之中的。 HTML specs 询问何时创建 CustomElement UAs

  1. Perform element.[[SetPrototypeOf]](prototype).

这是 the one from ECMAScript standards,它只设置 element 将从中继承的 [[Prototype]]。 这样做不会覆盖自己的属性值。

const elem = { a: "my own a" };
Object.setPrototypeOf(elem, { a: "proto's a", b: "proto's b" });
console.log(elem.a) // "my own a"
console.log(elem.b) // "proto's b"


document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').value = "SETTERS GETTERS KILLED";
document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').getSomeValue = "GET SOME VALUE KILLED";

class ComponentWithAsyncInit extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    // first grab the properties that might already have been set
    const ownProps = Object.entries(this);
    // our class's prototype
    const proto = ComponentWithAsyncInit.prototype;
    // get all properties descriptors
    const proto_desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(proto);

    ownProps.forEach(([key, value]) => {
      // got overriden
      if (key in proto_desc) {
        // apply the one from our class
        Object.defineProperty(this, key, proto_desc[key]);
        // set again the own property (call setters)
        this[key] = value;
  static get is() {
    return 'component-with-async-init'
  get value() {
    console.log("Getting value")
    return "VALUE FROM GETTER"
  set value(v) {
    console.log("Setting value")

  getSomeValue() {
    return "SOME VALUE"

window.customElements.define(ComponentWithAsyncInit.is, ComponentWithAsyncInit);
console.log("getSomeValue method:")  // note that this will get overidden anyway
console.log("Reading value:")



  .then(() => {
    document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').value = "SETTERS GETTERS KILLED"
    document.querySelector('component-with-async-init').getSomeValue = "GET SOME VALUE KILLED"
    console.log("getSomeValue method:") // note that this will get overidden anyway
    console.log("Reading value:")
class ComponentWithAsyncInit extends HTMLElement{
    static get is() {
        return 'component-with-async-init'
    get value(){
        console.log("Getting value")
        return "VALUE FROM GETTER"
    set value(v){
        console.log("Setting value")

        return "SOME VALUE"

window.customElements.define(ComponentWithAsyncInit.is, ComponentWithAsyncInit);