
Checking specific list entry and the rest of the list entries


  #nums_list is a 2_d list of the Entry widget id tags
  #check_list are the 0's and digits of the seed values
  def check_conf(self):
    for r in range(0, self.height, 1):
        for c in range(0, self.width, 1):
            if self.nums_list[r][c].get().isdigit():
                if int(self.nums_list[r][c].get()) == int(self.check_list[r][c]):
                    self.nums_list[r][c].config(background = 'red')

完整代码位于 http://pastebin.com/Mmmh6JM4



#nums_list is a 2_d list of the Entry widget id tags
#check_list are the 0's and digits of the seed values
def check_conf(self):
    # iterate over rows
    for widgets, check_values in zip(self.nums_list, self.check_list):
        #iterate over columns
        for widget, check_value in zip(widgets, check_values):
            if widget.get().isdigit():
                if widget.get() == check_value:
                    widget.config(background = 'red')