如何为数据论提供 List<int>? "InlineData"

How to provide List<int> for a data theory ? "InlineData"

如何提供 List 作为数据理论的数据源,我在 InlineData 中找不到任何支持这个的东西:

    [InlineData(null, new[] { 42, 2112 }, null)] // This doesn't work, I need something that works with List<int>
    [Trait("Category", "API")]
    [Trait("Category", "Partner")]
    [Trait("Category", "Smoke")]
    public void VerifyGetCarListAsync(int? colorID, List<int> carIDs, int? sellerID){//}

这无法通过 InlineData 实现,您只能通过 MemberDataPropertyDataClassData 实现,请参见下面的 MemberData 示例。

public void VerifyGetCarListAsync(int? colorID, List<int> carIDs, int? sellerID){
    // test code

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Data(){
    yield return new object[] { null, new List<int>{ 42, 2112 }, null };
    yield return new object[] { 1, new List<int>{ 43, 2112 }, null };
    yield return new object[] { null, new List<int>{ 44, 2112 }, 6 };