Android Studio 3.5 的 Instant 运行 在哪里?

Where is Instant Run of Android Studio 3.5?

我在 Android Studio 3.5 中找不到 Instant 运行。简要显示以下内容后的release notes only says Apply Changes is better than Instant Run for Android 8.0 or higher, but does not mention removal of Instant Run that supports older versions of Android (as low as Android 5). The tool page of Instant Run redirects to Build and run your app page.

N Developer Preview users: Instant Run is currently incompatible with the Jack toolchain. This new toolchain is required to use Java 8 language features supported by Android N. To learn more, read about the new Java 8 language features and Jack.

We Want Your Feedback! Instant Run is currently available only in Android Studio 2.0, and higher. We will continue to improve the feature in subsequent releases.

If you run into any additional issues, please help by logging bugs in our public Issues Tracker. You can create an issue via this link or by clicking on Help → Submit Feedback directly in Android Studio.


在android studio 3.5 instant 运行中删除。 如果您在多次安装应用程序时遇到问题 然后转到 => 运行 配置 => 安装选项 ==> 默认 apk ==> 安装标志 ==> -r -t ==> 应用 ==> 运行 那么你的问题瞬间解决 运行