
How to mapply a function with multiple variables across multiple lists

我有点不懂 mapply() 和 do.call...


ID          START           END
a1        1/1/2000       1/30/2000
a2        5/4/2000       3/1/2002
a3        5/8/2004       8/7/2005
a4        1/3/2012       5/7/2015

ID          START           END
b1        5/1/2000       1/30/2020
b2        6/4/2007       3/1/2008
b3        5/8/2014       8/7/2015
b4        1/3/1999       5/7/2019


ID          START           END        b1      b2      b3     b4
a1        1/1/2000       1/30/2000      0       0       0      1
a2        5/4/2000       3/1/2002       1       0       0      1
a3        5/8/2004       8/7/2005       1       0       0      1
a4        1/3/2012       5/7/2015       1       0       1      1

其中 0 表示不重叠事件,1 表示重叠。

到目前为止,我的努力是在具有多个变量的函数中使用 dplyr mutate。然后我尝试使用 mapply 将整个列表作为这些变量输入...

builder <- function(id,start,finish){
      resource_const_all <- resource_const %>% 
      mutate(id = ifelse(start > START & start < END,"1",
                  ifelse(finish > START & finish < END, "1",
                  ifelse(start < START & finish > END, "1", "0"))))
###if the start date falls in the date range, it returns 1.
###if the end date falls in the date range, it returns 1.
###if the start date is before the date range and the end date is after, it 
###returns 1.
###Else the dates don't overlap, returns 0.

builder_output <- mapply(builder,id_list,start_list,end_list))


假设末尾注释中显示的数据可重现,我们确保 STARTEND 列属于 Date class。然后如图所示使用 outer

请注意 overlap 是通用测试,overlapAB 使其特定于 AB


overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) {
  (start1 >= start2 & start1 <= end2) |  (start2 >= start1 & start2 <= end1)

overlapAB <- function(idA, idB) {
  i <- match(idA, A$ID)
  j <- match(idB, B$ID)
  overlap(A$START[i], A$END[i], B$START[j], B$END[j])

cbind(A, +outer(A$ID, B$ID, overlapAB))


  ID      START        END b1 b2 b3 b4
1 a1 2000-01-01 2000-01-30  0  0  0  1
2 a2 2000-05-04 2002-03-01  1  0  0  1
3 a3 2004-05-08 2005-08-07  1  0  0  1
4 a4 2012-01-03 2015-05-07  1  0  1  1


LinesA <- "ID          START           END
a1        1/1/2000       1/30/2000
a2        5/4/2000       3/1/2002
a3        5/8/2004       8/7/2005
a4        1/3/2012       5/7/2015"

LinesB <- "ID          START           END
b1        5/1/2000       1/30/2020
b2        6/4/2007       3/1/2008
b3        5/8/2014       8/7/2015
b4        1/3/1999       5/7/2019"

fmt <- "%m/%d/%Y"
A <- read.table(text = LinesA, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
A$START <- as.Date(A$START, fmt)
A$END <- as.Date(A$END, fmt)

B <- read.table(text = LinesB, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
B$START <- as.Date(B$START, fmt)
B$END <- as.Date(B$END, fmt)