带有 Helm 图表的蓝绿部署

Blue Green Deployment with Helm Charts

我们可以使用 'Helm Charts' 和

helm install --name the-release  helm/the-service-helm --namespace myns

我们冷 'Rolling Upgrade' 部署使用,

helm upgrade --recreate-pods the-release helm/the-service-helm --namespace myns

有没有办法用'Helm Charts'实现'Blue/Green'部署?


既然有many deployment strategies,那我们就从定义开始吧

根据Martin Flower

The blue-green deployment approach does this by ensuring you have two production environments, as identical as possible. At any time one of them, let's say blue for the example, is live. As you prepare a new release of your software you do your final stage of testing in the green environment. Once the software is working in the green environment, you switch the router so that all incoming requests go to the green environment - the blue one is now idle.

Blue/Green 不推荐在 Helm 中使用。但是有变通方案

  • 根据 helm issue #3518,不建议将 Helm 用于 blue/greencanary 部署。

  • 至少有 3 个基于 Helm 的解决方案,见下文

  • 不过,对于这种情况,有一个 Helm 图表。


Helm 本身不适用于这种情况。看他们的解释:

direct support for blue / green deployment pattern in helm · Issue #3518 · helm/helm

Helm works more in the sense of a traditional package manager, upgrading charts from one version to the next in a graceful manner (thanks to pod liveness/readiness probes and deployment update strategies), much like how one expects something like apt upgrade to work. Blue/green deployments are a very different beast compared to the package manager style of upgrade workflows; blue/green sits at a level higher in the toolchain because the use cases around these deployments require step-in/step-out policies, gradual traffic migrations and rollbacks. Because of that, we decided that blue/green deployments are something out of scope for Helm, though a tool that utilizes Helm under the covers (or something parallel like istio) could more than likely be able to handle that use case.




Shipper 来自 Booking.com

bookingcom/shipper:使用 Helm 的 Kubernetes 原生多集群金丝雀或蓝绿部署

It does this by relying on Helm, and using Helm Charts as the unit of configuration deployment. Shipper's Application object provides an interface for specifying values to a Chart just like the helm command line tool. Shipper consumes Charts directly from a Chart repository like ChartMuseum, and installs objects into clusters itself. This has the nice property that regular Kubernetes authentication and RBAC controls can be used to manage access to Shipper APIs.

使用 Helm 的 Kubernetes 原生多集群金丝雀或蓝绿部署


你可以试试like this:

kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f cowsay-v1.yaml) # deploy v1
kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f cowsay-v2.yaml) # deploy v1


有 Flagger 团队编写的指南:Blue/Green Deployments - Flagger 本指南向您展示如何使用 Flagger 和 Kubernetes

自动执行 Blue/Green 部署

您可以尝试 Helm 本身

此外,作为 Kamol Hasan recommended, you can try that chart: puneetsaraswat/HelmCharts/blue-green

blue.yml sample

{{ if .Values.blue.enabled }}
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: {{ template "blue-green.fullname" . }}-blue
    release: {{ .Release.Name }}
    chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}
    app: {{ template "blue-green.name" . }}
  replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
        app: {{ template "blue-green.name" . }}
        release: {{ .Release.Name }}
        slot: blue
        - name: {{ template "blue-green.name" . }}-blue
          image: nginx:stable
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: http
              containerPort: 80
              protocol: TCP
          # This (and the volumes section below) mount the config map as a volume.
            - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
              name: wwwdata-volume
        - name: wwwdata-volume
            name: {{ template "blue-green.fullname" . }}
{{ end }}

中型博客post:Blue/Green Deployments using Helm Charts