使用 vba 代码需要审计跟踪代码

require code for audit trails using vba code

我有一个 sheet 命名映射,它包含 3 列,即基金代码 (b3)、认购率 (c3) 和赎回率 (d3)

所以这些值是从第 4 行输入的 headers..我想对这些单元格中使用用户名输入的值进行审计跟踪。


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
 Dim strAddress As String
    Dim val
    Dim dtmTime As Date
    Dim Rw As Long

    If Intersect(Target, Range("B4:D4")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    dtmTime = Now()
    val = Target.value
    strAddress = Target.Address

    Rw = Sheets("shtMapping").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    With Sheets("shtMapping")
        .Cells(Rw, 1) = strAddress
        .Cells(Rw, 2) = val
        .Cells(Rw, 3) = dtmTime
    End With

End Sub


Fund Code   Subscription Rate   Redemption Rate
SGIS            0.16                     0.60
SPED            0.36                     0.40
SPEH            0.05                     0.12

所以当我将 SPED 的订阅率更新为 0.15 时,我需要捕获之前的值 0.36 以及更改此现有值(用户名)的人

我创建了一个新的 sheet 审核。

我在映射 sheet 中有两个按钮保存编辑和保存。


启用数据后,我将值复制粘贴到另一个 sheet 并捕获条目。


子 EditMapping()

 With shtMapping
    .Unprotect g_sPassword

    With .Range("B4:D103")
        .Locked = False
        .Interior.Color = vbYellow
         ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Audit").Cells(1, 1).Select

    End With
    .Shapes("shaEditMode").Visible = True
    .Protect g_sPassword
End With


我在从单元格 E 到 F 的映射 sheet 中创建了相同的标题,并将其隐藏在 sheet 中。因此,当按下编辑时,它会复制到隐藏并进行比较审核 sheet 并替换它们,

子 CopyCurrentTable()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With shtMapping
    .Range("B4:D" & GetLastRow(shtMapping, "B", 4)).Copy
    .Range("E4").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With



Dim bValidTable As Boolean: bValidTable = True
Dim i As Long

With shtMapping
    If .Shapes("shaEditMode").Visible Then
        .Unprotect g_sPassword
        .Range("B4:D103").Sort .Range("B4"), xlAscending
        For i = 4 To 103
            If .Range("B" & i).value = "" And .Range("C" & i).value = "" And .Range("D" & i).value = "" Then
                Exit For
            ElseIf .Range("B" & i).value = "" Or .Range("C" & i).value = "" Or .Range("D" & i).value = "" Then
                MsgBox "The table is missing critical information." & vbNewLine & "Please ensure all columns are populated in all rows of data.", vbCritical, "Error"
                bValidTable = False
                Exit For
            End If

            If .Range("B" & i).value = .Range("B" & i + 1) Then
                MsgBox "The table contains duplicate Fund Codes." & vbNewLine & "Please ensure Fund Codes are unique and try again.", vbCritical, "Error"
                bValidTable = False
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        If bValidTable Then
            With .Range("B4:D103")
                .Locked = True
                .Interior.Color = vbWhite
            End With
            .Shapes("shaEditMode").Visible = False

            'Identify Changes and plot to Audit table
            Call LogAuditTrail
            Call OpenMain
        End If
        .Protect g_sPassword
        Call OpenMain
    End If
End With


子 LogAuditTrail()

Dim colOld As Collection
Dim colNew As Collection
Dim objNew As ClsMapping
Dim objOld As ClsMapping
Set colOld = getMappingData("E")
Set colNew = getMappingData("B")
Dim sTS As String

sTS = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyy hh:mm:ss")

For Each objNew In colNew
    'Detect Items Changed
    If ItemIsInCollection(colOld, objNew.getKey) Then
        Set objOld = colOld(objNew.getKey)
        If objNew.isDifferent(objOld) Then
            Call PlotToAudit(objNew, objOld, sTS, "Change")
        End If
        'Detect Items Added
        Set objOld = New ClsMapping
        Call PlotToAudit(objNew, objOld, sTS, "New")
    End If
Next objNew

'Detect Items removed
For Each objOld In colOld
    If Not ItemIsInCollection(colNew, objOld.getKey) Then
        Set objNew = New ClsMapping
        Call PlotToAudit(objNew, objOld, sTS, "Removed")
    End If
Next objOld

结束子 Sub PlotToAudit(obj1 作为 ClsMapping,obj2 作为 ClsMapping,sTS 作为字符串,sType 作为字符串)

Dim lRow As Long
lRow = shtAudit.Range("B1048576").End(xlUp).Row

If lRow = 3 Then
    lRow = 5
ElseIf lRow = 1048576 Then
    MsgBox "Audit sheet is full. Contact Support." & vbNewLine & "No audit trail will be saved", vbCritical, "ERROR"
    Exit Sub
    lRow = lRow + 1
End If

With shtAudit
    .Unprotect g_sPassword
    .Range("B" & lRow).value = Application.UserName & "(" & Environ("USERNAME") & ")"
    .Range("C" & lRow).value = sTS
    .Range("D" & lRow).value = sType

    Select Case sType
        Case "Removed"
            .Range("E" & lRow).value = ""
            .Range("F" & lRow).value = ""
            .Range("G" & lRow).value = ""
            .Range("H" & lRow).value = obj2.FundCode
            .Range("I" & lRow).value = obj2.Subs
            .Range("J" & lRow).value = obj2.Reds
        Case "New"
            .Range("E" & lRow).value = obj1.FundCode
            .Range("F" & lRow).value = obj1.Subs
            .Range("G" & lRow).value = obj1.Reds
            .Range("H" & lRow).value = ""
            .Range("I" & lRow).value = ""
            .Range("J" & lRow).value = ""
        Case "Change"
            .Range("E" & lRow).value = obj1.FundCode
            .Range("F" & lRow).value = obj1.Subs
            .Range("G" & lRow).value = obj1.Reds
            .Range("H" & lRow).value = obj2.FundCode
            .Range("I" & lRow).value = obj2.Subs
            .Range("J" & lRow).value = obj2.Reds
    End Select
    With .Range("B" & lRow & ":J" & lRow)
        .Interior.Color = vbWhite
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuou
    End With
    .Protect g_sPassword
End With
