NotImplementedError apache 光束 python

NotImplementedError apache beam python

我正在使用 apache beam 将 json 写入 gcs。但是遇到如下错误

NotImplementedError: offset: 0, whence: 0, position: 50547, last: 50547 [while running 'Writing new data to gcs/write data gcs/Write/WriteImpl/WriteBundles/WriteBundles']


class WriteDataGCS(beam.PTransform):
        To write data to GCS

        def __init__(self, bucket):
            Initiate the bucket as a class field

            :type bucket:string
            :param bucket: query to be run for data
            self.bucket = bucket

        def expand(self, pcoll):
            PTransform Method run when called on Class Name

            :type pcoll: PCollection
            :param pcoll: A pcollection
            (pcoll | "print intermediate" >> beam.Map(print_row))
            return (pcoll | "write data gcs" >>, coder=JsonCoder(), file_name_suffix=".json"))
class JsonCoder:
    This class represents dump and load operations performed on json
    def encode(self,data):
        Encodes the json data.

        :type data: string
        :param data: Data to be encoded
        #"JSON DATA for encoding - {}".format(data))
        return json.dumps(data,default=str)

    def decode(self,data):
        Decodes the json data.

        :type data: string
        :param data: Data to be decoded
        #"JSON DATA for decoding - {}".format(data))
        return json.loads(data)

WriteToTextcoder 参数需要一个 apache_beam.coders.Coder 实例。您可以尝试让 JsonCoder 从基础 Coder class 继承,但我认为您也可以使用 Map:

        def expand(self, pcoll):
            PTransform Method run when called on Class Name

            :type pcoll: PCollection
            :param pcoll: A pcollection
            return (pcoll
              | "print intermediate" >> beam.Map(print_row))
              | "to_json" >> beam.Map(lambda x: json.dumps(x, default=str)))
              | "write data gcs" >>, file_name_suffix=".json"))