DataTables 编辑器:可以使用 AjAX 调用来检索数据吗?

DataTables Editor: possible to use AjAX calls for retrieving data?

我注意到在网站提供的所有示例中,所有数据都是在页面加载时从数据库中检索的。但是,在我的情况下,这将导致必须检索大量数据,而其中只有一部分数据正在被编辑。我不是专家,但这在性能方面似乎效率低下。我还看到 他们似乎对每个页面使用 AJAX 调用。

  1. 您是否同意,或者有人可以解释为什么当前方法实际上更有效吗?
  2. 有没有办法只检索正在查看的页面的数据(即通过 AJAX 调用)?

谁能说服我? :-)

请参阅数据表manual page about data了解更多信息。以下是摘录:

DataTables has two different modes of processing data (ordering, searching, etc. of data):

Client-side processing - the full data set is loaded up-front and data processing is done in the browser.

Server-side processing - an Ajax request is made for every table redraw, with only the data required for each display returned. The data processing is performed on the server.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the key indicator for which mode you should select is based on the number of rows in your table.
