JBoss IntelliJ 2019.2.2 中缺少插件

JBoss plugin missing in IntelliJ 2019.2.2

我使用的是 IntelliJ Ultimate 2019.2 版本。我想为 Java 1.6 项目配置 Jboss 5.1。我在添加配置中看不到 JBoss。见下文

I don't see a JBoss plugin in IntelliJ as well. Below are the Installed Plugins

Below are the available plugins in the market place.

有没有办法配置 IntelliJ 2019.2.2 以使用 JBoss 5.1?

启用 WildFly 捆绑插件。 由于Wikipedia says,Jboss是原名:

WildFly,formerly known as JBoss AS, or simply JBoss

Searched for Wildfly in IntelliJ plugins as suggested by @Konstantin Annikov and enabled it. Now I have JBoss in Add/Edit Configuration.