为什么 Hudson/Jenkins 部署插件后需要重启?

Why does Hudson/Jenkins need restart after deploying a plugin?

有没有其他方法可以在不重启的情况下部署插件并使其正常运行? 或者有人可以详细说明 plugin.hpi 在重新启动时会发生什么以及为什么 Hudson/Jenkins 的重新启动很重要吗?

许多容器允许您在不重启的情况下加载插件。但 Jenkins 不保证,新插件无需重启即可正常工作。这是 Jenkins 做出的架构选择。


Jenkins added the plugin support in 1.44, which is some 400 releases ago and since that time Jenkins required a restart for new plugins to take effect. This is because we load plugins at start-up, doing all kinds of computation to build up the immutable data structure around all the plugins.


Finally, why is upgrade hard? This is because Jenkins keeps instances of model objects for long time in memory (unlike, say, a typical database application, where those things are request scoped and thus much short-lived.) I like this for a number of reasons, such as more straight-forward object traversals, and the fact that builds take a long time anyway.
