如何解决这个错误(Server Is Busy 记录已保存。但是,由于服务器繁忙,无法显示数据)

How to Solve This error (Server Is Busy The record was saved. However, the data could not be displayed because the server is busy)


Server Is Busy

The record was saved. However, the data could not be displayed because the server is busy. Click Try Again to try to display the data now, or click Cancel to continue to work. If you click Cancel, you can try opening the record later.

当旧所有者的安全角色仅具有用户级读取访问权限时,将抛出此错误 - 因为该记录在分配操作后归新所有者所有。

The error message is bit incorrect here. The error was because the user had User Level Read Access to the record or (Entity to be specific) and on saving the record, we had one of our real-time workflow being triggered which was assigning this record to another user. And on assignment, the record being getting assigned to another user, the user who had created\saved the record was losing the access to it.
