在 运行 时间将创建的框架放置在面板中
Place the created frame in the panel in the run time
我知道如何在设计时创建框架并在 Delphi 的运行时将其放置在面板中。至于C++ Builder,由于我不熟悉C++脚本,所以看起来很难。请指教正确的做法?
Assuming your frame is located in a unit called Frame1, and it's
called TMyFrameType, this is what you should add your Form unit
cpp file.
#include "Frame1.h"
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
// This assumes you have a panel in this form called "ThePanelWhereIWantIt".
// You could move the MyFrameInstance to the class definition, if you need to
// access it somewhere after in your form code, but this is trivial.
TMyFrameType *MyFrameInstance;
MyFrameInstance = new TMyFrameType(ThePanelWhereIWantIt);
MyFrameInstance->Parent = ThePanelWhereIWantIt;
MyFrameInstance->Align = alClient;
我知道如何在设计时创建框架并在 Delphi 的运行时将其放置在面板中。至于C++ Builder,由于我不熟悉C++脚本,所以看起来很难。请指教正确的做法?
Assuming your frame is located in a unit called Frame1, and it's
called TMyFrameType, this is what you should add your Form unit
cpp file.
#include "Frame1.h"
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
// This assumes you have a panel in this form called "ThePanelWhereIWantIt".
// You could move the MyFrameInstance to the class definition, if you need to
// access it somewhere after in your form code, but this is trivial.
TMyFrameType *MyFrameInstance;
MyFrameInstance = new TMyFrameType(ThePanelWhereIWantIt);
MyFrameInstance->Parent = ThePanelWhereIWantIt;
MyFrameInstance->Align = alClient;