F# 是否具有访问词法作用域的语言构造(如 python locals()/globals())

Does F# have a language construct to access the lexical scope (like python locals()/globals())

在 F# 中编写测试时,我试图生成有关导致错误的状态的有用消息。在 python 中,我将包含所有的 locals(),因此在测试跟踪中可以轻松访问它们。

F# 中是否有类似的结构?

我一直在网上搜索优秀的 fsharpforfunandprofit 网站,并浏览了保留关键字列表。


let some_test x =
    let example_inner_helper y =
        let z = y + x
        // Example of the meta-construction i am looking for
        let scope = {| 
            local = {| y = y; z = z |}; 
            capture = {| 
                            local = {| x = x |};
                            capture = {| (* ... *) |};
        x = z |@ sprintf "require %A=%A (%A)" x y scope
    example_inner_helper (x+x)


   Source: Tests.fs line 105
   Duration: 51 ms

    FsCheck.Xunit.PropertyFailedException : 
    Falsifiable, after 1 test (1 shrink) (StdGen (387696160,296644521)):
    Label of failing property: require 1=2 ({ capture = { capture = {}
                  local = { x = 1 } }
      local = { y = 2
                z = 3 } })

但是,我必须明确捕获像 "scope" 这样的构造可以自动提供的信息。导致丑陋、容易出错的东西,比如

let ``firstAscendingLastDescendingPartE Prop`` (a: Extent<int>) b =
    let validateT ea eb =
        let checkXbeforeY ex ey headx restx =
            match restx with 
                | ValueNone -> // No rest
                    (ex = headx) |@ sprintf "no rest: ex = headx (%A = %A)" ex headx 
                    .&. ((intersectE ex ey) = ValueNone) |@ sprintf "no rest: ex ∩ ey = ∅ (%A ∩ %A)" ex ey
                | ValueSome rex -> // Some rest -> 
                    // headx and restx combines to ex
                    ((expandE headx rex) = ex) |@ sprintf "rest: headx+rex = ex (%A...%A)" headx rex 
                    .&. (exactlyTouchesE headx rex) |@ sprintf "rest: headx ends where rex starts (ex=%A ey=%A headx=%A restx=%A)" ex ey headx restx
                    .&. (exactlyTouchesE headx ey) |@ sprintf "rest: headx ends where ey starts (ex=%A ey=%A headx=%A restx=%A)" ex ey headx restx

(当然,我不关心 "scope" 构造的实际类型)


我已经看过 unquote 了,它很可爱,看起来也不错。但它对代码的限制很大:


type X<'T when 'T: comparison and 'T: equality> =
    val public first: 'T
    val public last: 'T
    new (first: 'T, last: 'T) = {
        first = 
            (if last <= first then 
                invalidOp (sprintf "first < last required, (%A) is not < (%A)" first last) 
             else first)
        last = last;
    // ..


let quote_limits () = 
    let x first last = X(first, last)
    let validate (x: X<'a>) = x.first < x.last
    let a = X(0, 1)
    <@ a.first = 0 @> |> test
    <@ validate a @> |> test 

第一个我可以解决的方法是使用函数来访问结构部分,但对泛型的限制是 PITA。

我认为没有办法做到这一点,即使在原则上也是如此。 F# 代码被编译为基于堆栈的 .NET 字节码,因此局部变量实际上(通常)不存在于编译代码中。您也许可以获得一些全局变量(它们是静态成员)或者以某种方式使用调试信息,但我认为没有标准的方法可以做到这一点。

就是说,在您的特定情况下,F# 实际上有一个使用 unquote 测试框架的不错选择。这使您可以将测试代码放在 F# 引用中,然后它会显示该引用的计算方式。例如:

let some_test x =
    let example_inner_helper y =
          let z = y + x
          x = z 
        @> |> test
    example_inner_helper (x+x)

some_test 10

这里,我在引用里面定义了局部变量z。当您 运行 测试时,unquote 将打印各个评估步骤,您可以在此处看到 z 的值:

Test failed:

let z = y + x in x = z
let z = 20 + 10 in x = z
let z = 30 in x = z