有没有一种干净的方法可以使用任何给定的 revid 或 oldid 来检索维基百科文章的质量评估?

Is there a clean way to retrive the quality assessment of a Wikipedia article using any given revid or oldid?

有没有办法在提交修订之前检索维基百科文章的相应质量评估?一个有趣的例子是研究 this page 何时达到 FA-class

从“查看历史记录”选项卡(或通过 API 调用),可以检索完整的修订列表。那么,如何在每次修订提交前几秒识别文章的质量评估

如果没有现成的 API 调用,请告知在浏览“查看历史记录”页面时要查找的内容。例如:

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Bpageassessments will give you the current ratings, but it will be more work to find out when these changed. Featured and good articles get {{featured article}} or {{good article}} added to them and you can find when these were first added using wikiblame: http://wikipedia.ramselehof.de/wikiblame.php?user_lang=en&lang=en&project=wikipedia&article=Kevin+Beattie&needle=%7B%7Bfeatured+article%7D%7D&skipversions=0&ignorefirst=0&limit=500&offmon=9&offtag=17&offjahr=2019&searchmethod=int&order=desc&user=. That's not available as an API though, so if you want to automate it you will have to grab each revision and check if the template was present and work out when it was added that way. If you're interested in the longer quality history, you will need to look through the talk pages e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Kevin_Beattie 因为这是存储质量信息的地方。您将需要找到一种方法来搜索修订并检测 |class= 参数何时更改。