为什么我的 python 代码不加密或解密我的消息

why does my python code not encrypt or decrypt my message

出于某种原因,当我 运行 最后的代码时,它只显示消息而没有加密或解密,我真的很困惑,如果这真的很明显,请不要讨厌我,我对 python 几乎不了解基础知识

#declare variables
NewWord =""
NewLetter = ""
SecretMessage = 0

mode = input("Please enter a mode: ").lower()  #makes it lowercase
message = input("Please enter a message: ").lower() # lowercase to tackle capitals
while True:
        offset = int(input("Please enter a number: ")) #If no exception occurs, the except clause is skipped and execution of the try statement is finished.
    except ValueError: #If exception occurs, the except clause continues printing not a valid number and letting you re-enter the offset and not just throwing up an error.
        print ("Not a valid number")
#print(mode, message, offset) #Test to check user Input

for letter in message : 
    SecretMessage = ord(letter)
    if mode == "Encrypt" :
        SecretMessage += offset # add the offset to the letter
    if mode == "Decrypt" :
         SecretMessage -= offset # subtract the offset to the letter
    if SecretMessage < 97:
       SecretMessage  += 26
    if SecretMessage > 122:
        SecretMessage -= 26
    NewLetter = SecretMessage 
    NewLetter = chr(NewLetter) 

   # print(newLetter)# check conversion
    NewWord += NewLetter

mode = input("Please enter a mode: ").lower()

使模式全部小写,以防止它等于 "Encrypt" 或 "Decrypt"。因此,您的 if 子句未执行。

您正在小写 mode 变量,所以它不可能等于 EncryptDecrypt。您必须测试这些词的小写版本:

if mode == "encrypt" :
    SecretMessage += offset # add the offset to the letter
if mode == "decrypt" :
     SecretMessage -= offset # subtract the offset to the letter