将异步加载的数据传递给 webpack 中的 pug-html-loader

Pass asynchronously loaded data to pug-html-loader in webpack


我正在使用 webpackpug 基于这个很棒的样板构建一个小型网站: https://github.com/alexnoz/webpack-pug-scss-boilerplate.git

项目已启动 运行,我能够正确渲染 pug 文件。


现在我需要在所有 webpack 编译发生之前加载一些数据。我想将该数据传递给 pug-html-loader,如 .



我的问题是,我必须异步加载该数据。所以我有一个承诺。我如何确保承诺在 webpack 编译发生之前完成?


// in webpack.config.js

var myData = []
loadSomeDataAsync().then(loadedData => myData = loadedData)

  loader: 'pug-html-loader',
  options: {
    data: myData    // <==== 

pug-html-loader 接受 options.data 如果我把静态数据放在那里,那么这个数据在 pug 模板中可用。

我知道我的问题似乎是,在 webpack 编译发生之前,我的 Promise 尚未解决。但是如何让 webpack 以某种方式 "wait" 来解决 Promise?

我已经尝试注册 webpack 事件挂钩。但没有成功。还有什么建议吗?


const configPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  setTimeout(() => { resolve(webpackConfig) }, 1000);

  .then(webpack) // Passes the config to webpack
  .then(compiler => {
    // Do the work with the compiler

此功能在 DOCS 中有详细记录。

Webpack will run the function exported by the configuration file and wait for a Promise to be returned. Handy when you need to asynchronously load configuration variables.

module.exports = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // The promise could be an XHR call using fetch, Axios or whatever
    setTimeout(() => { 
      resolve({ // Resolve webpack config
        entry: './app.js',
        /* ... */
    }, 5000);


module.exports = () => {
  return loadSomeDataAsync().then(function(loadedData) {

        return {
          entry:  './app.js',
          options {
            data: loadedData

请注意,文档中的 setTimeout() 仅用于说明目的(模拟获取数据时的延迟)。

等的怎么样?在内部,他们必须使用 async + await。


function simulateLoadData() { 
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve("data"); // once I get the data, I pass it through resolve
    }, 2000); // just for illustration purposes and simulate query to remote machine

function getConfig() {
  return simulateLoadData().then(function(dataLoaded){ // here I retrieve the data resolved
    return { data: dataLoaded }; // I can pass dataLoaded to my config

async function app() {
    var config = await getConfig(); // here is where I retrieve the returned config
    console.log("config", config); // config > Object { data: "data" } 
