在 Truffle 中,部分评估的结果属于哪个 "level of abstraction"?

In Truffle, in which "level of abstraction" do the results of a partial evaluation belong?

我正在尝试了解部分求值在 Truffle 语言框架中的工作原理。我在看论文 Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes and One VM to Rule Them All.

我了解到,为了执行 PE,Truffle 依赖于 Graal JIT,如图所示:


Graal compiles Java bytecode to optimized machine code, and can serve as a replacement for the Java HotSpot server compiler. We extended it with a frontend that performs PE, and added intrinsic methods that support our core primitives.

我的问题是:PE 的 results 是否真的以 JVM 字节码的形式存在?或者它们是直接使用 Graal 的 internal 表示构建,并直接转换为本机代码?

do the results of a PE actually exist as JVM bytecode at any point?


Or are they directly constructed using Graal's internal representation, and converted to native code straightaway?