
Pg-promise: chaining conditional queries



check whether the an item exists;
  if no:
    reply with status 404;
  if yes:
    check whether the user owns the item;
      if no:
        redirect to another page;
      if yes:
        retrieve the information about the item and render the page;

我的第一直觉是使用 tasks 来重用相同的连接,但由于可能的结果不同,我很难弄清楚如何正确处理承诺:

db.task(t => {
  return t.items.exists(itemId)
    .then(exists => {
      if (!exists) { // item does not exist
        // 404

      return t.items.isOwner(itemId, userId)
        .then(isOwner => {
          if (!isOwner) {
            // redirect to some other page

          return t.items.getById(itemId);
.then(data => {
  // OK, process data and render
.catch(console.error); // unexpected errors

例如,如果我尝试重定向到 404 页面,承诺仍将在之后得到解决。 另一种方法是具有以下内容:

if (!exists) { // item does not exist
  return Promise.reject('404');


.then(data => {
  // OK, process data and render
}, reason => {
  // KO, conditions were not met to resolve

which 'works',但同时捕获错误和未满足的条件。我希望有一个专用的 'unmet condition' 处理程序。


var p = db.task(t => {
  return t.items.exists(itemId)
    .then(exists => {
      if (!exists) { // item does not exist
        //  resolve p (and break promise chain) with something like
        //  p.resolve(() => {
        //    return res.redirect...
        //  });

      // else we can go on with the queries
      return t.items.isOwner(itemId, userId);
    .then(isOwner => {
      if (!isOwner) {
        // resolve p and redirect to some other page

      return t.items.getById(itemId);
    .then(item => {
      // everything OK, resolve with a handler to render the page
.then(action => {
.catch(console.error); // unexpected errors

但我看不出有什么办法可以解决 p。在嵌套的 promise 中调用 Promise.resolve(...) 会在落入 pthen.

之前自行解析下一个 promise

在关注性能的同时,在 pg-promise 中链接条件查询和处理不同结果的推荐方法是什么?


这仍然需要项目通过每个承诺,直到它到达最后一个 then 区块或 catch 区块。

// First Condition
const input = 'test input'
Promise.resolve({ item: input })

  // Repeat this for different condition on `item.item` and change `X`
  .then(data => {
    if (data.hitCondition != null && data.hitCondition !== '') {
      return data;

    if (conditionX(data)) {
      return Object.assign({}, data, { 
        hitCondition: 'conditionX'

    return data;
  /* REPEAT END */


  .then(result => {
    const { item, hitCondition } = result
    if (hitCondition != null && hitCondition !== '') {
      // at least one condition is met
      // check hitCondition to see which condition is hit
    } else {
      // none of the conditions are met
  .catch(error => {
    // Some error happened somewhere

作者的问题主要在于使用 promise,而不是 pg-promise

db.task('easy-peasy', async t => {
    if (await t.items.exists(itemId)) {
        // reply with status 404;
    } else {
        if (await t.items.isOwner(itemId, userId)) {
            // redirect to some other page
        } else {
            return t.items.getById(itemId); // return the data
    .then(data => {
        if (data) {
            // Task returned data;
            // Render the data;
    .catch(console.error); // unexpected errors