
Decltype of struct data members, using structured binding


template <typename T>
T obj;
// type of a/b in auto&& [a, b] = obj ?


template <typename S>
void fn(ranges::any_view<S> range_of_tuple_or_struct_or_pair) {

    last_from = std::numeric_limits<?????>::max();

    // ????? should be the type of from (or to, they should be the same types) of: 
    //     auto&& [from, to] = <range element>

    for (auto&& [from, to] : range_of_tuple_or_struct_or_pair) {
         if (from != last_from) {
             last_from = from;

也许您可以在 last_from 声明之前添加一个额外的结构化绑定并从中获取 from 类型。即

const auto& [first_from, first_to] = *range_of_tuple_or_struct_or_pair.begin();
last_from = std::numeric_limits<std::decay_t<decltype(first_from)>>::max();



#include <type_traits>

template <typename T, typename U>
struct Identity {
  using type_first = T;
  using type_second = U;

template <typename T>
constexpr auto GetTypes(const T& obj) noexcept {
  const auto& [x, y] = obj;
  return Identity<std::remove_cv_t<decltype(x)>, 

template <typename T>
void foo(T obj) {
  // T is structurally-bindable with two fields
  constexpr auto Types = GetTypes(obj);
  using t1 = typename decltype(Types)::type_first;
  using t2 = typename decltype(Types)::type_second;

  // t1 is the first type
  // t2 is the second type

Complete Example Here

请注意,constexpr 没有开销,即使没有启用优化。