H2O AutoML returns "H2OFrame is empty" 的时候怎么办?

What should I do when H2O AutoML returns "H2OFrame is empty"?

在使用 H2o AutoML 在 SageMaker 实例上训练作业时,在 运行 代码后出现消息 "This H2OFrame is empty",我应该如何解决该问题?

All Parameters:
{'nfolds': '5', 'training': "{'classification': 'true', 'target': 'y'}", 'max_runtime_secs': '3600'}
All Resources:
{'current_host': 'algo-1', 'hosts': ['algo-1'], 'network_interface_name': 'eth0'}
Waiting until DNS resolves: 1
Starting up H2O-3
Creating Connection to H2O-3
Attempt 0: H2O-3 not running yet...
Connecting to H2O server at successful.
-------------------------- ----------------------------------------

-------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Beginning Model Training
Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
Classification - If you want to do a regression instead, set "classification":"false" in "training" params, inhyperparamters.json
Converting specified columns to categorical values:
AutoML progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
This H2OFrame is empty.
Exception during training: Argument `model` should be a ModelBase, got NoneType None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/program/train", line 138, in _train_model
h2o.save_model(aml.leader, path=model_path)
File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h2o/h2o.py", line 969, in save_model
assert_is_type(model, ModelBase)
File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h2o/utils/typechecks.py", line 457, in assert_is_type
h2o.exceptions.H2OTypeError: Argument `model` should be a ModelBase, got NoneType None
H2O session _sid_8aba closed.

我想知道这是否是因为 max_runtime_secs 造成的问题,我的数据大约有 500 行和 250000 列。

做了一些测试我意识到问题是因为 max_runtime,我相信我没有让模型进行足够的训练。

感谢@Marcel Mendes Reis 在评论中跟进您的解决方案。我会在这里重新发布以供其他人轻松找到:

我意识到问题是由于 max_runtime。当我用更多时间训练模型时,我没有遇到问题。