将数组添加到 SortedDictionary 时出现索引错误

Index error when adding Array to SortedDictionary

我一直在研究这段代码,但还没有看到结果。它给我错误消息 "Index was outside the bounds of the array"。我阅读了其他有同样错误的帖子,但我无法完全理解或应用大部分建议。我究竟做错了什么?我怎样才能解决这个问题?有没有更好的方法来计算这个代码?任何 help/advice 将不胜感激。


     public class valProject
          private SortedDictionary<double,int> mainsd = new SortedDictionary<double,int>(); 
          private SortedDictionary<double,int> valuesd = new SortedDictionary<double,int>();

          protected void Main()
              mainsd = new SortedDictionary<double, int>()
                  {500.10, 500}, {500.09, 1000}, {500.08, 2000}, {500.07, 3000},
                  {500.06, 4500}, {500.05, 5500}, {500.04, 6000}, {500.03, 7000},
                  {500.02, 8500}, {500.01, 9500}, {500.00, 10000}, {499.99, 9000},
                  {499.98, 8000}, {499.97, 7500}, {499.96, 6500}, {499.95, 5000},
                  {499.94, 4000}, {499.93, 3500}, {499.92, 2500}, {499.91, 1500},
                  {499.90, 550},

              var maxValue = mainsd.Max(e => e.Value);
              var maxItemKey = mainsd.First(e => e.Value == maxValue).Key;
              var forward = mainsd.SkipWhile(e => e.Key <= maxItemKey).ToArray();
              var backward = mainsd.TakeWhile(e => e.Key < maxItemKey).Reverse().ToArray();
              int i1 = 0;
              int i2 = 0;

              while (true)
                  var sum1 = i1 < forward.Length - 1 ? forward[i1].Value + forward[i1 + 1].Value : 0;
                  var sum2 = i2 < backward.Length - 1 ? backward[i2].Value + backward[i2 + 1].Value : 0;
                  if (sum1 == 0 && sum2 == 0) break;
                  if (sum1 >= sum2)
                      valuesd.Add(forward[i1].Key, forward[i1].Value); 
                      valuesd.Add(forward[i1 + 1].Key, forward[i1 + 1].Value); 
                      Console.WriteLine($"Forward:  {sum1}, Keys: {forward[i1].Key}, {forward[i1 + 1].Key}");
                      i1 += 2;
                      valuesd.Add(backward[i2].Key, backward[i2].Value); 
                      valuesd.Add(backward[i2 + 1].Key, backward[i2 + 1].Value); 
                      Console.WriteLine($"Backward: {sum2}, Keys: {backward[i2 + 1].Key}, {backward[i2].Key}");
                      i2 += 2;

                  if (valuesd.Values.Sum() >= mainsd.Values.Sum() * 50 / 100) break;



Forward:  18000, Keys: 500,01, 500,02
Backward: 17000, Keys: 499,98, 499,99
Backward: 14000, Keys: 499,96, 499,97
Forward:  13000, Keys: 500,03, 500,04

可能出问题的是您的 Main 方法不是静态的,mainsd 和 valuesd 字段也不是。但是,这不会创建索引越界异常。您提供的这段代码工作得很好。以防万一这是我最终得到的代码

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace AProgramNamespace
    class Program
        private static SortedDictionary<double, int> mainsd = new SortedDictionary<double, int>();
        private static SortedDictionary<double, int> valuesd = new SortedDictionary<double, int>();

        protected static void Main()
            mainsd = new SortedDictionary<double, int>()
                  {500.10, 500}, {500.09, 1000}, {500.08, 2000}, {500.07, 3000},
                  {500.06, 4500}, {500.05, 5500}, {500.04, 6000}, {500.03, 7000},
                  {500.02, 8500}, {500.01, 9500}, {500.00, 10000}, {499.99, 9000},
                  {499.98, 8000}, {499.97, 7500}, {499.96, 6500}, {499.95, 5000},
                  {499.94, 4000}, {499.93, 3500}, {499.92, 2500}, {499.91, 1500},
                  {499.90, 550},

            var maxValue = mainsd.Max(e => e.Value);
            var maxItemKey = mainsd.First(e => e.Value == maxValue).Key;
            var forward = mainsd.SkipWhile(e => e.Key <= maxItemKey).ToArray();
            var backward = mainsd.TakeWhile(e => e.Key < maxItemKey).Reverse().ToArray();
            int i1 = 0;
            int i2 = 0;

            while (true)
                var sum1 = i1 < forward.Length - 1 ? forward[i1].Value + forward[i1 + 1].Value : 0;
                var sum2 = i2 < backward.Length - 1 ? backward[i2].Value + backward[i2 + 1].Value : 0;
                if (sum1 == 0 && sum2 == 0) break;
                if (sum1 >= sum2)
                    valuesd.Add(forward[i1].Key, forward[i1].Value);
                    valuesd.Add(forward[i1 + 1].Key, forward[i1 + 1].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Forward:  {sum1}, Keys: {forward[i1].Key}, {forward[i1 + 1].Key}");
                    i1 += 2;
                    valuesd.Add(backward[i2].Key, backward[i2].Value);
                    valuesd.Add(backward[i2 + 1].Key, backward[i2 + 1].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Backward: {sum2}, Keys: {backward[i2 + 1].Key}, {backward[i2].Key}");
                    i2 += 2;

                if (valuesd.Values.Sum() >= mainsd.Values.Sum() * 50 / 100) break;
