保存值 Base64 到 Image PNG use Intervention image Laravel 存储

Save value Base64 to Image PNG use Intervention image Laravel Storage

如何使用干预图像和 laravel 存储将 Base64 值转换为图像 PNG?

public function userLogout(Request $request) {
  $data = $request->all();
  if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
    $poster = explode(";base64", $request->picture);
    $image_type = explode("image/", $poster[0]);
    $mime_type = '.'.$image_type[1];
    $image_base = base64_decode($poster[1]);

    $data['picture'] = Storage::disk('player-images')->put($image_base, file_get_contents($poster));

    $path = public_path('storage/player-images/'.$image_base);


    $data['picture'] = 'player-images/' . $image_base;
    User::where('name', Auth::user()->name)->update($data);

  return view('gallery');


"file_get_contents() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, array given"

这是我的 ajax 函数

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

          headers: {'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf_token"]').attr('content')},
          type: "POST",
          url: "/gallery",
          data: {
            picture: dataUrl,
        }).done(function(o) {

如何将 base64 值保存到数据库,如 player-images/blabla.png 并将图像存储到路径 public/storage/player-images/

对不起,我的英语不好。 谢谢。


public function userLogout(Request $request)
  $data = $request->all();

  if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
    if (preg_match('/^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/', $data['picture'])) {
      $value = substr($data['picture'], strpos($data['picture'], ',') + 1);
      $value = base64_decode($value);
      $imageName = time()  . '.png';
      $val = Storage::disk('player-images')->put($imageName, $value);

      $path = public_path('storage/player-images/'.$imageName);
      Image::make($data['picture'])->resize(304, 277)->save($path);

      $data['picture'] = 'player-images/' . $imageName;
      User::where('name', Auth::user()->name)->update(['picture' => $data['picture']]);
  return view('gallery');

我知道你可能解决了你的疑问,但我一直在寻找类似的东西但没有找到,所以我将把下面的代码留给可能需要它的人。 此代码的目标是使用 URL.

从 Pixabay 获取图像


public function store(){       
    $url = json_decode(request('photo')); //Photo is the field that I fill in the view, that contain a URL to my image in pixabay;
    $contents = file_get_contents($url);
    $name = substr($url, strrpos($url, '/') + 1);
    $blob =  base64_encode($this->resizeImage($contents));
    Photos::firstOrCreate(['photo' => $name,'thumb' => $blob]); //Photos is my model

private function resizeImage($contents) : string {
    return (string) Image::make($contents)->resize(75, 75)->encode('data-url');  // Very important this cast to String, without it you can not save correctly the binary in your DB;   

查看: 为了在我看来使用代码,我输入了: 当我 return 查看模型时,我使用 'for' 打印所有图像,如下所示:

@foreach($photos as $element)
    <img src="{{ base64_decode($element->thumb) }}" alt="" >

#警告 您的数据库中有一个 Blob 字段非常重要,因此在 Laravel 迁移的架构中,您必须将内容设置为:$table->binary('thumb');

您可以在我的 git 上查看我的代码: lucasfranson10/multisafepay