强制 pylint 分数在 github 分支上合并

Enforce pylint score to merge on a github branch

我想设置一个质量检查,在授权对某个 github 分支进行合并之前强制执行 pylint 的某个分数。有没有办法做到这一点 ?我在 github 上看到您可以设置 "Require status checks to pass before merging",我想一个状态检查可能是 pylint 上的某个分数。


现在有一个解决方案:使用新的 --fail-under 标志。

"If the final score is more than the specified score, it's considered a success and pylint exits with exit code 0. Otherwise, it's considered a failure and pylint exits with its current exit code based on the messages issued."
