App Store 连接拒绝构建,因为缺少 NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription 键

App store connect reject build because missing NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key

我使用 Xcode 10.3 分发我的应用程序。然后 App store connect 总是拒绝构建。我收到一封电子邮件说 "The app's info.plist file should contain a NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data." 我添加了密钥 "Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description"。但是还没有收到拒信。本来就有“隐私-蓝牙外设使用说明”,今天就ok了,怎么解决?

打开您的 info.plist 作为源代码并添加以下行

    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) needs bluetooth access to connect via bluetooth.</string>

//remember need bluetooth access to connect via bluetooth is just an arbitrary message. You should change it according to your needs.


<string>App uses Bluetooth to find, connect and communicate with nearby devices. Please grant access.</string>


我遇到了完全相同的问题。当我进行 grep 搜索时,我发现 project.pbxproj

中有一些对 CoreBluetooth.framework 的引用

我删除了引用并且构建应用程序很顺利。上传到 Apple 并成功通过,所以这对我有用。


grep -r -a CoreBluetooth.framework ProjectFolder


NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription 我们使用蓝牙连接到 MantisX 硬件设备。

已接受的答案正确但不完整。您确实需要将此密钥添加到您的 .plist 文件中。但是 NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription 添加到 iOS 13+。如果您将 iOS 定位到 13 以下,除了第一个键之外,您还需要添加 NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription