Excel VBA 由超级计算机驱动的脚本?

Excel VBA script powered by supercomputers?

是否有 software/service/hardware 可用于 运行 简单的 VBA 脚本 在超级计算机上( 远程集群CPU)?
我的意思是不安装复杂的官方 HPC Excel 扩展并花时间学习它......


Sub test()
   ArrayOfResults = SupercomputerLib.Execute("complexFunc(100)", _
                                             "complexFunc(200)", _
                                             "complexFunc(300)", _
                                             "complexFunc(400)", _
                                             "complexFunc(500)", _
                                             "complexFunc(600)", _
                                             "complexFunc(700)", _
                                             "complexFunc(800)", _
                                             "complexFunc(900)", _
   'ArrayResult will be generated in 1 day of parallel calculus
End sub

Function complexFunc(someNumber as integer) as long
   *complex calculus that takes 1 day on a single CPU*
End Function

据我所知,没有这样的 software/service 可用