Quartz Job注解@DisallowConcurrentExecution实现

Quartz Job Annotation @DisallowConcurrentExecution Implementation

我是石英的新手。我发现了石英库提供的 @DisallowConcurrentExecution 注释,文档说:

'An annotation that marks a {@link Job} class as one that must not have multiple instances executed concurrently (where instance is based-upon a {@link JobDetail} definition - or in other words based upon a {@link JobKey}).'


public @interface DisallowConcurrentExecution {



我试图查找用法,但只在 class MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean.java



首先要知道的是,JobDetailImpl 将检查注释是否存在,并使此信息在方法中可用。

 * @return whether the associated Job class carries the {@link DisallowConcurrentExecution} annotation.
public boolean isConcurrentExectionDisallowed() {

    return ClassUtils.isAnnotationPresent(jobClass, DisallowConcurrentExecution.class);


例如,JobStoreSupport 会在此处检查它,如果存在注释,则会检查块状态:

    if (job.isConcurrentExectionDisallowed() && !recovering) { 
        state = checkBlockedState(conn, job.getKey(), state);

这里是实际验证发生的地方,让 Quartz 决定 运行 或不 运行 该实例上的作业。


     * Determines if a Trigger for the given job should be blocked.  
     * State can only transition to STATE_PAUSED_BLOCKED/BLOCKED from 
     * PAUSED/STATE_WAITING respectively.
     * @return STATE_PAUSED_BLOCKED, BLOCKED, or the currentState. 
    protected String checkBlockedState(
            Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String currentState)
        throws JobPersistenceException {

    // State can only transition to BLOCKED from PAUSED or WAITING.
    if ((!currentState.equals(STATE_WAITING)) &&
        (!currentState.equals(STATE_PAUSED))) {
        return currentState;

    try {
        List<FiredTriggerRecord> lst = getDelegate().selectFiredTriggerRecordsByJob(conn,
                jobKey.getName(), jobKey.getGroup());

        if (lst.size() > 0) {
            FiredTriggerRecord rec = lst.get(0);
            if (rec.isJobDisallowsConcurrentExecution()) { // OLD_TODO: worry about failed/recovering/volatile job  states?
                return (STATE_PAUSED.equals(currentState)) ? STATE_PAUSED_BLOCKED : STATE_BLOCKED;

        return currentState;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new JobPersistenceException(
            "Couldn't determine if trigger should be in a blocked state '"
                + jobKey + "': "
                + e.getMessage(), e);
