mysql 执行计划解释

mysql execution plan explanation


select count(*)
from my_table my_t
where my_t.c1 = '3' and my_t.c2 = '123'

这个 table 在 (c1, c2) 上有索引并且这两列都有 not null 约束。


# id, select_type, table, type, possible_keys,    key, key_len,         ref, rows, Extra
   1,      SIMPLE,  my_t,  ref,        my_idx, my_idx,     157, const,const,    1, Using where; Using index



documentation 说:

Using index

The column information is retrieved from the table using only information in the index tree without having to do an additional seek to read the actual row. This strategy can be used when the query uses only columns that are part of a single index.

If the Extra column also says Using where, it means the index is being used to perform lookups of key values. Without Using where, the optimizer may be reading the index to avoid reading data rows but not using it for lookups. For example, if the index is a covering index for the query, the optimizer may scan it without using it for lookups.

据我上面的理解,Using index只表示读取key列中指定的索引足以获取计算结果所需的所有数据;无需读取 table 数据。它没有说明如何使用索引信息。

Using where 表示将从 key 列中提到的索引读取的值与 ref 列中指示的列或常量的值进行比较输出。 ref 列包含 const, const,因为用于比较的值是字符串常量('3''123')。