R Sankey Highchart:使用来自不同变量的数据自定义节点工具提示

R Sankey Highchart: customizing node tooltip using data from a different variable

我正在尝试用 highcharter 制作桑基图,我需要在节点工具提示中显示变量的总和,比如 y。例如,对于节点 "A",y 的总和将为 62 (34+28)。


test <- data.frame(a = c("A", "B", "A", "B"), 
                   b = c("C", "C", "D", "D"), 
                   x = c(4, 9, 2, 2), 
                   y = c(34, 29, 28, 26)) 

hchart(test, "sankey", nodeWidth = 10, hcaes(from = a, to = b, weight = x)) %>% 
 hc_tooltip(nodeFormat = "{y.sum}")


下面的代码计算 y 的总和并将其显示在工具提示中。

test <- data.frame(a = c("A", "B", "A", "B"), 
                   b = c("C", "C", "D", "D"), 
                   x = c(4, 9, 2, 2), 
                   y = c(34, 29, 28, 26))   

hchart(test, "sankey", nodeWidth = 10, hcaes(from = a, to = b, weight = x)) %>% 
  hc_tooltip(nodeFormatter = JS("
    function() {
      // Function for y sum calculation
      function getSum(arr, val) {
        var idx = [], i, sumy=0;
        for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          if (arr[i].from==val | arr[i].to==val) {
            sumy = sumy + arr[i].y
      // Get y sum and show it in the tooltip       
      sumy = getSum(this.series.options.data, this.name);
      var result = 'Node: ' + this.name + 
                   '<br>Sum y: <b>' + sumy + '</b>';
      return result;
    }")) %>%
  hc_tooltip(pointFormatter = JS("
    function() {
      // Function for y sum calculation
      function getSum(arr, val) {
        var idx = [], i, sumy=0;
        for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
          if (arr[i].a==val) {
            sumy = sumy + arr[i].y
      // Get y sum and show it in the tooltip       
      sumy = getSum(this.series.options.data, this.from);
      var result = this.from + ' -> ' + this.to + 
                   '<br>Sum y: <b>' + sumy + '</b>';
      return result;