如何将 case 语句的 return 值分配给 For 循环中当前单元格右侧的单元格?

How do I assign the return value of a case statement to the cell to the right of the current cell in a For loop?


在 VBA 中,您可以将 Select Case 语句的 return 值分配给 specific cells,如下所示:

  1. Add the Select Case structure.

    Select Case score Case Is >= 80 result = "very good" Case Is >= 70 result = "good" Case Is >= 60 result = "sufficient" Case Else result = "insufficient" End Select

Explanation: Excel VBA uses the value of the variable score to test each subsequent Case statement to see if the code under the Case statement should be executed.

  1. Write the value of the variable result to cell B1.

Range("B1").Value = result

这对我来说很简单,但是,我试图遍历一列单元格以对 for loop 执行相同的操作。上面的代码在一个实例中执行了此操作。但是,我想为每个单元格执行此操作并将结果分类到右侧的单元格中。



....variables defined at the beginning as strings
Set MyRange = Sheet6.Range("A2:A355")
For each cell In MyRange
    Select Case cell.Value
        Case Is = raid
            result = "area"
        Case Is = fifty
            result = "one"
        ... more cases ad nauseum
    End Select

您可以使用上述范围方法分配特定单元格。但我想将结果字符串分配给右侧的一个单元格(即,在 B 列但同一行)。因此我的问题...


如何在 VBA 中的 For 循环中指定我希望将 case 语句的结果输​​出一次单元格到当前单元格的右侧?


cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = result

关注你的End Select