如何使用嵌套映射对多个索引执行 ElasticSearch 查询
How can I execute ElasticSearch query on multiple indices with nested mapping
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200/"));
.DefaultMappingFor<ManagementIndex>(m => m
.DefaultMappingFor<PropertyIndex>(m => m
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
1) 属性映射
client.Indices.Create("property", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Map<PropertyIndex>(map => map
.Properties(p => p
.Nested<PropertyData>(n => n
.Name(c => c.property)
.Properties(pp => pp
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.city)
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.market)
.Fields(ff => ff
.Text(tt => tt
.Name(np => np.market)
.Keyword(k => k
).Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.name)
2) 所有者
if (client.Indices.Exists("owner").Exists)
client.Indices.Create("owner", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Map<OwnerIndex>(map => map
.Properties(p => p
.Nested<OwnerProp>(n => n
.Name(c => c.owner)
.Properties(pp => pp
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.market)
.Fields(ff => ff
.Text(tt => tt
.Name(np => np.market)
.Keyword(k => k
).Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.name)
具有以下 POCO 定义
public class PropertyData
public string name { get; set; }
public string city { get; set; }
public string market { get; set; }
public class PropertyIndex
public PropertyData property { get; set; }
public class OwnerProp
public string name { get; set; }
public string market { get; set; }
public class OwnerIndex
public OwnerProp owner { get; set; }
public async Task<object> SearchPropertiesAsync(string searchQuery, List<string> description, int limit = 25, int skip = 1)
var propertyfilters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<object>, QueryContainer>>();
var ownerFilters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<object>, QueryContainer>>();
if (description.Any())
propertyfilters.Add(fq => fq.Terms(t => t.Field("property.market.keyword").Terms(description)));
ownerFilters.Add(fq => fq.Terms(t => t.Field("owner.market.keyword").Terms(description)));
var searchResponse = await _elasticClient.SearchAsync<object>(s => s
.Query(q => (q
.Nested(n => n
.Path(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property))
.Query(nq => nq
.MultiMatch(m => m
.Fields(f => f
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.city))
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.market))
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.name))
) && +q.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(propertyfilters))
) || (q
.Nested(n => n
.Path(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.mgmt))
.Query(nq => nq
.MultiMatch(m => m
.Fields(f => f
.Field(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.owner.market))
.Field(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.owner.name))
&& +q.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(ownerFilters))
).From((skip - 1) * limit)
return searchResponse.Documents;
调用 SearchPropertiesAsync
方法 returns 此错误消息(为简洁起见被截断)
"index": "owner",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_state_exception",
"reason": "[nested] failed to find nested object under path [property]"
"index": "property",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_state_exception",
"reason": "[nested] failed to find nested object under path [owner]"
请注意,它看起来像是在尝试在 property
索引上执行 owner.
的嵌套搜索,并在 owner
索引上执行 property.
我觉得这应该是一个非常微不足道的问题,但我使用 ElasticSearch 到现在才 4 天,对它还是很陌生。
我正在使用 ElasticSearch 7.3.2 和 Nest Client 7.3.0。
(Optional, boolean) Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped path and not return any documents instead of an error. Defaults to false.
If false, Elasticsearch returns an error if the path is an unmapped field.
You can use this parameter to query multiple indices that may not contain the field path.
因此在每个嵌套查询的查询主体上链接 .IgnoreUnmapped(true)
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200/"));
.DefaultMappingFor<ManagementIndex>(m => m
.DefaultMappingFor<PropertyIndex>(m => m
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
1) 属性映射
client.Indices.Create("property", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Map<PropertyIndex>(map => map
.Properties(p => p
.Nested<PropertyData>(n => n
.Name(c => c.property)
.Properties(pp => pp
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.city)
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.market)
.Fields(ff => ff
.Text(tt => tt
.Name(np => np.market)
.Keyword(k => k
).Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.name)
2) 所有者
if (client.Indices.Exists("owner").Exists)
client.Indices.Create("owner", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Map<OwnerIndex>(map => map
.Properties(p => p
.Nested<OwnerProp>(n => n
.Name(c => c.owner)
.Properties(pp => pp
.Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.market)
.Fields(ff => ff
.Text(tt => tt
.Name(np => np.market)
.Keyword(k => k
).Text(c => c
.Name(np => np.name)
具有以下 POCO 定义
public class PropertyData
public string name { get; set; }
public string city { get; set; }
public string market { get; set; }
public class PropertyIndex
public PropertyData property { get; set; }
public class OwnerProp
public string name { get; set; }
public string market { get; set; }
public class OwnerIndex
public OwnerProp owner { get; set; }
public async Task<object> SearchPropertiesAsync(string searchQuery, List<string> description, int limit = 25, int skip = 1)
var propertyfilters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<object>, QueryContainer>>();
var ownerFilters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<object>, QueryContainer>>();
if (description.Any())
propertyfilters.Add(fq => fq.Terms(t => t.Field("property.market.keyword").Terms(description)));
ownerFilters.Add(fq => fq.Terms(t => t.Field("owner.market.keyword").Terms(description)));
var searchResponse = await _elasticClient.SearchAsync<object>(s => s
.Query(q => (q
.Nested(n => n
.Path(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property))
.Query(nq => nq
.MultiMatch(m => m
.Fields(f => f
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.city))
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.market))
.Field(Infer.Field<PropertyIndex>(ff => ff.property.name))
) && +q.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(propertyfilters))
) || (q
.Nested(n => n
.Path(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.mgmt))
.Query(nq => nq
.MultiMatch(m => m
.Fields(f => f
.Field(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.owner.market))
.Field(Infer.Field<OwnerIndex>(ff => ff.owner.name))
&& +q.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(ownerFilters))
).From((skip - 1) * limit)
return searchResponse.Documents;
调用 SearchPropertiesAsync
方法 returns 此错误消息(为简洁起见被截断)
"index": "owner",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_state_exception",
"reason": "[nested] failed to find nested object under path [property]"
"index": "property",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_state_exception",
"reason": "[nested] failed to find nested object under path [owner]"
请注意,它看起来像是在尝试在 property
索引上执行 owner.
的嵌套搜索,并在 owner
索引上执行 property.
我觉得这应该是一个非常微不足道的问题,但我使用 ElasticSearch 到现在才 4 天,对它还是很陌生。
我正在使用 ElasticSearch 7.3.2 和 Nest Client 7.3.0。
ignore_unmapped (Optional, boolean) Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped path and not return any documents instead of an error. Defaults to false.
If false, Elasticsearch returns an error if the path is an unmapped field.
You can use this parameter to query multiple indices that may not contain the field path.
因此在每个嵌套查询的查询主体上链接 .IgnoreUnmapped(true)