datatables with fixedheader: row click function giving error on fixed cols
如果您单击前两列,您会注意到函数 returns 未定义,但是任何未冻结的列 returns 数据 object
我知道这与固定列是在克隆中创建的事实有关 table,我想知道是否有任何解决方法?
// Server-side processing with object sourced data
var $table;
$(document).ready(function() {
$table = $('#example').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/ssp/objects.php",
dom: "<'row'<'col-md-6 'l><'col-md-6 pull-right'>r>t<'row'<'col-md-6'i><'col-md-6'p>>",
"columns": [
{ "data": "first_name" },
{ "data": "last_name" },
{ "data": "position" },
{ "data": "office" },
{ "data": "start_date" },
{ "data": "salary" }
scrollY: "600px",
scrollX: "100%",
scrollCollapse: true,
"pageLength": 5,
lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, 50 ], [5, 10, 25, 50]],
order: [[ 1, "asc" ]],
} );
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( $table, {
leftColumns: 2
} );
$table.on("click", "tr",function(){
var aData = $table.row( this ).data();
console.log( aData);
} );
} );
您可以使用 fnGetPosition 获取有关行索引的信息。
This function is functionally identical to fnGetPosition
DataTables, taking the same parameter (TH, TD or TR node) and
returning exactly the the same information (data index information).
The difference between the two is that this method takes into account
the fixed columns in the table, so you can pass in nodes from the
master table, or the cloned tables and get the index position for the
data in the main table.
var fc = new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( $table, {
leftColumns: 2
$table.on("click", "tr", function(){
var aData = $table.row(fc.fnGetPosition(this)).data();
请参阅此 example code 进行演示。
如果您单击前两列,您会注意到函数 returns 未定义,但是任何未冻结的列 returns 数据 object
我知道这与固定列是在克隆中创建的事实有关 table,我想知道是否有任何解决方法?
// Server-side processing with object sourced data
var $table;
$(document).ready(function() {
$table = $('#example').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/ssp/objects.php",
dom: "<'row'<'col-md-6 'l><'col-md-6 pull-right'>r>t<'row'<'col-md-6'i><'col-md-6'p>>",
"columns": [
{ "data": "first_name" },
{ "data": "last_name" },
{ "data": "position" },
{ "data": "office" },
{ "data": "start_date" },
{ "data": "salary" }
scrollY: "600px",
scrollX: "100%",
scrollCollapse: true,
"pageLength": 5,
lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, 50 ], [5, 10, 25, 50]],
order: [[ 1, "asc" ]],
} );
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( $table, {
leftColumns: 2
} );
$table.on("click", "tr",function(){
var aData = $table.row( this ).data();
console.log( aData);
} );
} );
您可以使用 fnGetPosition 获取有关行索引的信息。
This function is functionally identical to
in DataTables, taking the same parameter (TH, TD or TR node) and returning exactly the the same information (data index information). The difference between the two is that this method takes into account the fixed columns in the table, so you can pass in nodes from the master table, or the cloned tables and get the index position for the data in the main table.
var fc = new $.fn.dataTable.FixedColumns( $table, {
leftColumns: 2
$table.on("click", "tr", function(){
var aData = $table.row(fc.fnGetPosition(this)).data();
请参阅此 example code 进行演示。