如何修复涉及 xarray 的 netcdf 文件中 Metpy 数据的属性错误

How to fix attribute error for Metpy data from a netcdf file involving xarray


AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'metpy' 

当我 运行 我的代码。特别是特定行是:

import Scientific.IO.NetCDF as S
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import metpy
# Any import of metpy will activate the accessors
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
#from metpy.testing import get_test_data
from metpy.units import units
# Open the netCDF file as a xarray Datase

data = xr.open_dataset(datadir,decode_cf=True)
# To parse the full dataset, we can call parse_cf without an argument, and assign the returned
# Dataset.


# If we instead want just a single variable, we can pass that variable name to parse_cf and
# it will return just that data variable as a DataArray.
data_var = data.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')

粗体行是弹出属性错误的地方。我正在尝试学习如何在 metpy 中使用 netcdf 进行一些独立研究,以及为未来的项目学习一般的 metpy。

此处的问题是 MetPy 版本过时。 Xarray 访问器是在 v0.8 中添加的。要更新到具有最新功能的当前版本的 MetPy,您可以使用 conda update metpypip install --upgrade metpy 进行升级。