
Unifying polykinded quantification variable with tuple kinded type

我有以下 class 表示类别,其中对象 class 由一种表示,每个 hom class 由上述类型索引的类型表示.

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, PolyKinds #-}

type Hom o = o -> o -> *

class GCategory (p :: Hom o)
  gid :: p a a
  gcompose :: p b c -> p a b -> p a c


instance GCategory (->)
  gid = id
  gcompose = (.)

现在我想为产品类别建模。作为一个简单的起点,下面是一个类型,它对对应于 -> 与自身的乘积的类别的态射建模:

data Bifunction ab cd
  Bifunction :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Bifunction '(a, b) '(c, d)


bifunction_id :: Bifunction '(a, a') '(a, a')
bifunction_id = Bifunction id id

bifunction_compose :: Bifunction '(b, b') '(c, c') -> Bifunction '(a, a') '(b, b') -> Bifunction '(a, a') '(c, c')
bifunction_compose (Bifunction f1 g1) (Bifunction f2 g2) = Bifunction (f1 . f2) (g1 . g2)

但是当我尝试将操作粘贴到 class:

instance GCategory Bifunction
  gid = bifunction_id
  gcompose = bifunction_compose


• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘'(a0, a'0)’
  ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
    the type signature for:
      gid :: forall (a :: (*, *)). Bifunction a a
    at /tmp/ghc-mod29677/Bifunction29676-49.hs:28:3-5
  Expected type: Bifunction a a
    Actual type: Bifunction '(a0, a'0) '(a0, a'0)
• In the expression: bifunction_id
  In an equation for ‘gid’: gid = bifunction_id
  In the instance declaration for ‘GCategory Bifunction’
• Relevant bindings include
    gid :: Bifunction a a
      (bound at /tmp/ghc-mod29677/Bifunction29676-49.hs:28:3)


  Expected type: Bifunction a a
    Actual type: Bifunction '(a0, a'0) '(a0, a'0)

特别是它不能统一类型 forall x y. Bifunction '(x, y) '(x, y) 和类型 forall (a :: (*, *)). Bifunction a a.


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, RankNTypes #-}

module Repro where

data Bifunction ab cd
  Bifunction :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Bifunction '(a, b) '(c, d)

bifunction_id :: Bifunction '(a, a') '(a, a')
bifunction_id = Bifunction id id

bifunction_id' :: Bifunction a a
bifunction_id' = bifunction_id

有什么方法可以统一 bifunction_id 和上面的 bifunction_id' 吗?


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies #-}

module Repro where

type family Fst (ab :: (x, y)) :: x
  Fst '(x, y) = x

type family Snd (ab :: (x, y)) :: y
  Fst '(x, y) = y

data Bifunction ab cd = Bifunction (Fst ab -> Fst cd) (Snd cd -> Snd cd)

bifunction_id :: Bifunction '(a, a') '(a, a')
bifunction_id = Bifunction id id

-- This still doesn't work
-- bifunction_id' :: Bifunction a a
-- bifunction_id' = bifunction_id

-- But now I can do this successfully
bifunction_id' :: Bifunction a a
bifunction_id' = Bifunction id id


gid @Bifunction的定义中,你有一个类型a :: (Type, Type)(,)只有一个构造函数,所以我们可以推断必须存在x :: Typey :: Type使得a ~ '(x, y)。然而,这个推理在Haskell中是无法表达的。基本上,当你在 Haskell 中有一个类型级对(某种类型 (i, j))时,你不能假设它实际上是一对(某种形式 '(x, y))。这会导致您的代码中断:您有 Bifunction id id :: forall x y. Bifunction '(x, y) '(x, y),但您需要 Bifunction a a,并且您只是没有让您假设 a ~ (x, y) 对于某些 x 的键入规则], y.当你使用 Bifunction 的另一种奇怪的定义时,你会得到 Bifunction id id :: forall a. Bifunction a a(因为那是构造函数的 return 类型),它之所以有效,基本上是因为 FstSnd 是 "partial" 函数。

我个人只会添加 "all pairs are actually pairs" 作为公理。

data IsTup (xy :: (i, j)) =
    forall (x :: i) (y :: j). xy ~ '(x, y) => IsTup
-- could also write
-- data IsTup (xy :: (i, j)) where
--     IsTup :: forall (x :: i) (y :: j). IsTup '(x, y)
isTup :: forall xy. IsTup xy
isTup = unsafeCoerce IsTup

bifunction_id :: Bifunction '(a, x) '(a, x)
bifunction_id = Bifunction id id
bifunction_compose :: Bifunction '(b, y) '(c, z) -> Bifunction '(a, x) '(b, y) -> Bifunction '(a, c) '(x, z)
bifunction_compose (Bifunction fl fr) (Bifunction gl gr) = Bifunction (fl . gl) (fr . gr)

instance GCategory Bifunction where
   gid :: forall a. Bifunction a a -- necessary to bind a
   -- usage of axiom: isTup produces a "proof" that a is actually a pair and
   -- matching against IsTup "releases" the two components and the equality 
   gid | IsTup <- isTup @a = bifunction_id
   gcompose :: forall a b c. Bifunction b c -> Bifunction a b -> Bifunction a c
     | IsTup <- isTup @a, IsTup <- isTup @b, IsTup <- isTup @c
     = bifunction_compose

forall (x :: k) (y :: l). p '(x, y)没有forall (a :: (k, l)). p a一般,主要是因为有(k, l)类的东西不是成对的

type family NotAPair :: () -> () -> () -> (k, l)

(注意类型族没有参数,与NotAPair (u :: ()) (v :: ()) (w :: ()) :: ()不同)。如果 NotAPair '() '() '() :: (k, l) 实际上是一对 '(,) x y,那么我们就会有这样的废话:'(,) ~ NotAPair '()x ~ '()y ~ '().


即使 "all things of kind (k, l) are pairs",也有不同的方法可以在语言中提供该事实。如果你使它隐式,例如你可以隐式地将 forall x y. p '(x, y) 转换为 forall a. p a,你可能(或可能不会)使类型检查不可判定。如果你明确表示,你将不得不努力编写该转换(例如 Coq)。