C++ Primer 5 版:流迭代器和 Sales_item

C++ Primer 5 Edition: Stream iterators and Sales_item

在 C++ primer 5Ed 中,该章讨论了流迭代器,他给出了这个示例(第 512 页):

int main(){

    istream_iterator<Sales_item> item_iter(cin), eof;
    ostream_iterator<Sales_item> out_iter(cout, "\n");
    // store the first transaction in sum and read the next record
    Sales_item sum = *item_iter++;
    while (item_iter != eof) {
        // if the current transaction (which is stored in item_iter) has the same ISBN
        if (item_iter->isbn() == sum.isbn())
            sum += *item_iter++; // add it to sum and read the next
        else {
            out_iter = sum; // write the current sum
            sum = *item_iter++; // read the next transaction
    out_iter = sum; // remember to print the last set of records


它工作正常,但我注意到在循环中它在 if-statement:

if (item_iter->isbn() == sum.isbn())
    sum += *item_iter++; // add it to sum and read the next transaction
else {
    out_iter = sum; // write the current sum
    sum = *item_iter++; // read the next transaction


while (item_iter != eof) {
    if (item_iter->isbn() != sum.isbn()) // instead of check for equality
        out_iter = sum; // write the current sum
    sum = *item_iter++; // read the next transaction



if (item_iter->isbn() == sum.isbn())
    sum += *item_iter++; // add it to sum and read the next transaction
else {
    out_iter = sum; // write the current sum
    sum = *item_iter++; // read the next transaction


请参阅:sum +=sum =

