Reading binary data
我正在尝试从二进制文件中读取数据。一个数据块有 76 字节长(这取决于块中间的 2 字节 "main data items" 的个数)。第一个数据是 4 个字节,第二个是 4 个字节,然后是一堆 2 字节的主要数据项,最后是 2 个 2 字节的数据。
基于this Delphi sample我学会了如何使用下面的代码读取文件:
short AShortInt; // 16 bits
int AInteger; // 32 bits
infile=new TFileStream(myfile,fmOpenRead); // myfile is binary
BR = new TBinaryReader(infile, TEncoding::Unicode, false);
for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { // just read the first 5 blocks of data for testing
AInteger = BR->ReadInt32(); // read first two 4 byte integers for this block
AInteger = BR->ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // now read the 32 2-byte integers from this block
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16();
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16(); // read next to last 2-byte int
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16(); // read the last 2-byte int
delete infile;
delete BR;
delete infile; // closes the file, doesn't delete it.
delete BR;
ShowMessage("Can't open file!");
但是,我想做的是使用一个 76 字节宽的缓冲区来读取整个块,然后从该缓冲区中提取各种数据。我把下面的代码 based on this question 放在一起,我可以将一整块数据读入缓冲区。
UnicodeString myfile = System::Ioutils::TPath::Combine(System::Ioutils::TPath::GetDocumentsPath(), "binaryCOM.dat");
infile=new TFileStream(myfile,fmOpenRead);
const int bufsize=76;
char*buf=new char[bufsize];
int a = 0;
while(int bytesread=infile->Read(buf,bufsize)) {
a++; // just a place to break on Run to Cursor
delete infile;
ShowMessage("Can't open file!");
但我不知道如何从缓冲区中的字节中拼凑出子集。有没有办法 concatenate bytes?所以我可以将一个数据块读入一个 76 字节的缓冲区,然后做下面这样的事情?
unsigned int FirstDatum = buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[3]; // concatenate the 4 bytes for the first piece of data
这将是适用于 Win32、iOS 和 Android 的 FMX 应用程序,内置于 C++Builder 10.3.2。
这是我根据 Remy TMemoryStream
UnicodeString myfile = System::Ioutils::TPath::Combine(System::Ioutils::TPath::GetDocumentsPath(), "binaryCOM.dat");
TMemoryStream *MS=0;
TBinaryReader *BR=0;
std::vector<short> myArray;
short AShortInt;
int AInteger;
int NumDatums = 32; // the variable number of 2-byte main datums
MS = new TMemoryStream();
BR = new TBinaryReader(MS, TEncoding::Unicode, false);
for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { // testing with first 5 blocks of data
AInteger = BR->ReadInt32(); // read first two 4 byte integers
AInteger = BR->ReadInt32(); // here
for (int i = 0; i < NumDatums; i++) { // read the main 2-byte data
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16();
myArray.push_back(AShortInt); // push it into vector
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16(); // read next to last 2-byte int
AShortInt = BR->ReadInt16(); // read the last 2-byte int
// code here to do something with this block of data just read from file
delete MS;
delete BR;
delete MS;
delete BR;
ShowMessage("Can't open file.");