模型驱动应用程序中与 SQL 服务器数据库的 PowerApps 连接可以是双向的吗?

Can a PowerApps connection to an SQL Server database in a model-driven application be bidirectional?

我目前正在研究 PowerApps 模型驱动的应用程序,我已经添加了一个 table 到我的公共数据模型的连接,它似乎可以正常工作,即使是部分工作。如果我对 SQL 服务器数据库中的项目进行手动修改,此修改最终会反映到我的通用数据模型,当然还有我的应用程序。问题是相反,即通过我的应用程序在我的公共数据模型中添加或修改一个项目似乎不会影响我的 SQL 服务器数据库。


如果你正在做一些 LoB 应用程序来对你的数据库进行 CRUD 操作 - 那么通用数据模型 (CDM) 不是可行的方法。可以使用任何可用的连接器(或自定义连接器 API)从您的数据源构建适用于应用程序的 CDS,甚至是一个简单的 Canvas 应用程序,以提供 CRUD 操作。 Read more

CDM 实际上是开放数据倡议的一部分 - Learn more

What are the expectations of a Common Data Model data consumer
In the Common Data Model ecosystem, data consumers are expected to read the metadata and data as the producer described and not to modify any data that consumer didn't also produce. If a data consumer wants to extend or modify the data from another data producer, the consumer then becomes a data producer and should follow the best practices of data producers.

What are the expectations of a Common Data Model data producer
In the Common Data Model ecosystem, data producers are expected to provide sufficient information for a data consumer to understand and parse the data files. A general principle is to make the metadata as rich as possible to simplify the experience for data consumers.

With the Common Data Model, you can put your data into formats that represent concepts and activities that are commonly used and well understood. That way, you can query that data, reuse it, and interoperate with other businesses and apps that use the same format.

Both platforms that currently support the Common Data Model also offer data-integration experiences through Power Query Online that allow users to bring in data from a variety of sources, transform it if necessary, and then map it to standard entities in the Common Data Model or create custom entities. Power Query Online leverages the same visual, self-service data-prep experience as Power Query within Excel and Power BI Desktop, so existing users can ramp up quickly.

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甚至我也想在我的应用程序中实现相同的场景。 但是在 SQL 中没有找到任何可以帮助我进行双向更新的东西。 截至目前,它是单向的,SQL 通过使用数据流到实体。
