最小起订量 IConfiguration 具有特定参数

MOQ IConfiguration with specific parameters

今天我正在为我的一个 class 编写单元测试,它在构造函数中有一个参数 IConfiguration。我试图冻结依赖并创建 sut。

 configuration = builders.Freeze<IConfiguration>();
 apiConfiguration = builders.Create<IAPIConfiguration>();

当我 运行 测试时出现异常,因为在 API 配置构造函数中我有验证行。

 this.API_KEY = configuration["API:Key"] ?? throw new NoNullAllowedException("API key wasn't found.");

它似乎没有以正确的方式或至少是我想要的方式进行模拟。 我开始怀疑是否有任何方法可以使用可自定义的键来模拟 IConfiguration class?



public class APIConfiguration : IAPIConfiguration
        public APIConfiguration(IConfiguration configuration)
            this.API_KEY = configuration["API:Key"] ?? throw new NoNullAllowedException("API key wasn't found.");
            this._url = configuration["API:URL"] ?? throw new NoNullAllowedException("API key wasn't found.");

        public string API_KEY { get; }

        private string _url
            get { return this._url; }
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    throw new NoNullAllowedException("API url wasn't found.");
                this._url = value;

        public Uri URL
                return this.URL;
            private set
                value = new Uri(this._url);


    public class UnitTest1

        private readonly IFixture builders;
        private readonly string _apiKey;
        private readonly string _url;
        private readonly IAPIConfiguration apiConfiguration;
        private readonly IConfiguration configuration;

        public UnitTest1()
            builders = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
            _apiKey = builders.Create<string>();
            _url = builders.Create<string>();
            configuration = builders.Freeze<IConfiguration>();
            configuration["API:Key"] = "testKey";
            configuration["API:URL"] = "testUrl";

            apiConfiguration = builders.Build<IAPIConfiguration>().Create();

        public void TestMethod1()
            Assert.AreSame(configuration["API:Key"], apiConfiguration.API_KEY);


apiConfiguration = builders.Build<IAPIConfiguration>().Create();


public void TestMethod1() {
    //Freeze-Build-Create sequence
    var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
    var apiKey = fixture.Create<string>();
    var url = "http://example.com";
    var configuration = fixture.Freeze<IConfiguration>();

    //Configure the expected behavior of the mock
    var keys = new Dictionary<string, string> {
        { "API:Key" , apiKey },
        { "API:URL", url }
    var mock = Mock.Get(configuration);
    mock.Setup(_ => _[It.IsAny<string>()]).Returns((string key) => keys[key]);

    IAPIConfiguration apiConfiguration = fixture.Build<APIConfiguration>().Create();

    var actual = apiConfiguration.API_KEY;

    Assert.AreEqual(apiKey, actual);
    Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(url), apiConfiguration.URL);

以上从 fixture 中提取 mock 并配置测试用例的预期行为。


public class APIConfiguration : IAPIConfiguration {
    public APIConfiguration(IConfiguration configuration) {
        this.API_KEY = configuration["API:Key"] ?? throw new NoNullAllowedException("API key wasn't found.");
        this._url = configuration["API:URL"] ?? throw new NoNullAllowedException("API url wasn't found.");

    public string API_KEY { get; }

    private string _url;

    public Uri URL {
        get {
            return new Uri(this._url);
