使用 Python xml.etree 解析 xml 文件:空结果

Parsing xml files with Python xml.etree : empty results

我正在尝试用 xml.etree 解析以下 xml 文件。但是,它不会产生任何结果。

from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
xmlstr = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<tns:getCamerasResponse xmlns:tns="https://infoconnect.highwayinfo.govt.nz/schemas/camera2">


        <tns:description>North along Sth Wstn Mwy from May Rd</tns:description>







        <tns:name>SH20 May Rd Overbridge</tns:name>







root = ET.fromstring(xmlstr)

results = root.findall('tns:camera', {'tns':"https://infoconnect.highwayinfo.govt.nz/schemas/camera2"})
for camera in results:
    region = camera.find('tns:region')
    if region is not None:


from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
xmlstr = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<tns:getCamerasResponse xmlns:tns="https://infoconnect.highwayinfo.govt.nz/schemas/camera2">


        <tns:description>North along Sth Wstn Mwy from May Rd</tns:description>







        <tns:name>SH20 May Rd Overbridge</tns:name>







root = ET.fromstring(xmlstr)

ns = {'tns':"https://infoconnect.highwayinfo.govt.nz/schemas/camera2"}
results = root.findall('tns:camera', ns)
for camera in results:
    region = camera.find('tns:region', ns)
    if region is not None:

如果您需要知道如何获取命名空间,这可能会有所帮助 Python: ElementTree, get the namespace string of an Element