
Why prefer Typeclass over Inheritance?

根据这个Erik Osheim's slide,他说继承可以解决和类型类一样的问题, 但提到继承有一个问题叫做:

brittle inheritance nightmare


tightly coupling the polymorphism to the member types



trait Foo { def foo }

class A1 extends Foo{
  override def foo: Unit = ???

//change the foo implementation of the existing A1
class A2 extends A1 with Foo{  
  override def foo = ???

// add new type B1 to Fooable family
class Bb extends Foo{        
  override def foo = ???


trait Fooable[T] { … }
def foo[T:Fooable](t:T) = …

class Aa {…}
class Bb {…}
object MyFooable {
  implicit object AaIsFooable extends Fooable[Aa]
  implicit object B1IsFooable extends Fooable[Bb]

我看不出有任何理由更喜欢 Typeclass ,我是不是漏掉了什么?



case class Real(value: Double)

case class Complex(real: Double, imaginary: Double)


  • 两个实数
  • 一个实数和一个复数
  • 两个复数

一个使用继承的解决方案(编辑:其实我不确定这是否可以称为继承,因为特征中的方法add没有实现。但是,在这方面,该示例与 Erik Orheim 的示例没有区别)可能如下所示:

trait AddableWithReal[A] {
  def add(other: Real): A

trait AddableWithComplex[A] {
  def add(other: Complex): A

case class Real(value: Double) extends AddableWithComplex[Complex] with AddableWithReal[Real] {
  override def add(other: Complex): Complex = Complex(value + other.real, other.imaginary)

  override def add(other: Real): Real = Real(value + other.value)

case class Complex(real: Double, imaginary: Double) extends AddableWithComplex[Complex] with AddableWithReal[Complex] {
  override def add(other: Complex): Complex = Complex(real + other.real, imaginary + other.imaginary)

  override def add(other: Real): Complex = Complex(other.value + real, imaginary)

因为 add 的实现与 RealComplex 紧密耦合,我们必须在每次添加新类型(例如整数)和每次新操作时扩大它们的接口是需要的(例如,减法)。

Type classes 提供了一种将实现与类型分离的方法。例如,我们可以定义特征

trait CanAdd[A, B, C] {
  def add(a: A, b: B): C


object Implicits {
  def add[A, B, C](a: A, b: B)(implicit ev: CanAdd[A, B, C]): C = ev.add(a, b)
  implicit object CanAddRealReal extends CanAdd[Real, Real, Real] {
    override def add(a: Real, b: Real): Real = Real(a.value + b.value)
  implicit object CanAddComplexComplex extends CanAdd[Complex, Complex, Complex] {
    override def add(a: Complex, b: Complex): Complex = Complex(a.real + b.real, a.imaginary + b.imaginary)
  implicit object CanAddComplexReal extends CanAdd[Complex, Real, Complex] {
    override def add(a: Complex, b: Real): Complex = Complex(a.real + b.value, a.imaginary)
  implicit object CanAddRealComplex extends CanAdd[Real, Complex, Complex] {
    override def add(a: Real, b: Complex): Complex = Complex(a.value + b.real, b.imaginary)


  1. 防止RealComplex接口污染
  2. 允许引入新的 CanAdd 功能,但不能修改可添加的 classes 的源代码

例如,我们可以定义CanAdd[Int, Int, Int]来添加两个Int值而不修改Int class:

implicit object CanAddIntInt extends CanAdd[Int, Int, Int] {
  override def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b