是否有内在原因可以解释为什么 Rust 没有更高种类的类型?

Is there an intrinsic reason explaining why Rust does not have higher-kinded-types?

Rust 没有更高级的类型。例如,函子(以及 monad)不能用 Rust 编写。我想知道是否有深层原因解释这一点以及为什么。




从本质上讲,缺少高等类型并不是设计决定。 Rust 打算有它的某种形式,目前更受欢迎的候选者是 Generic Associated Types (2017)

虽然实施这些需要时间,但与其他功能相比,还没有被认为是优先事项。例如,async/await 优先于 HKT,const 泛型似乎也优先。

For example, functor (and thus monad) cannot be written in Rust.


参见Edmund's Smith lovely hack which he posted on https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/cajn09/new_method_for_emulating_higherkinded_types_in/

trait Unplug {
    type F; //The representation type of the higher-kinded type
    type A; //The parameter type

trait Plug<A> {
    type result_t;

pub  struct  Concrete<M: Unplug + Plug<A>,A> {
    pub unwrap: <M as Plug<A>>::result_t

impl<M: Unplug + Plug<A>, A> Concrete<M,A> {
    fn of<MA: Unplug<F=M, A=A> + Plug<A>>(x: MA) -> Self
        where M: Plug<A, result_t = MA>
        Concrete { unwrap: x }

他们实现了 Functor 特征:

pub trait Functor: Unplug + Plug<<Self as Unplug>::A> {
    fn map<B, F>(f: F, s: Self) -> <Self as Plug<B>>::result_t
            Self: Plug<B>,
            F: FnMut(<Self as Unplug>::A) -> B

//  Example impl for a represented Vec
impl<A> Functor for Concrete<Vec<forall_t>, A> {
    //  remember, Self ~ (Vec<_>, A) ~ "f a"
    fn map<B, F>(f: F, s: Self) -> <Self as Plug<B>>::result_t
            F: FnMut(<Self as Unplug>::A) -> B 

从那时起构建 ApplicativeMonad:

pub trait Applicative: Functor {
    fn pure(s: <Self as Unplug>::A) -> Self;

    fn app<B, F>(
        f: <Self as Plug<F>>::result_t, //M<F>
        s: Self                         //M<A>
    ) -> <Self as Plug<B>>::result_t   //M<B>
        F: FnMut(<Self as Unplug>::A) -> B + Clone,
        Self: Plug<F> + Plug<B> + Unplug,
        <Self as Plug<F>>::result_t:
            Unplug<F=<Self as Unplug>::F, A=F> +
            Plug<F> +
        <Self as Unplug>::F: Plug<F>

pub trait Monad : Applicative {
    fn bind<F,B>(f: F, s: Self) -> <Self as Plug<B>>::result_t
        Self: Plug<F>+Plug<B>,
        F: FnMut(<Self as Unplug>::A) ->
            <Self as Plug<B>>::result_t + Clone
