
How to share faust table between multiple agents or faust timers?

我正在尝试在一段时间后将 faust table 的数据(计数)发布到 kafka 主题。当我发布一些简单的字符串时,计时器正在工作,但它无法以某种方式访问​​ table 的数据。 以下是定时器的代码:

async def publish_to_anomaly_topic():
            await anomaly_topic.send(
async def count_page_views(views):
    async for view in views.group_by(PageView.id):
        for everykey in list(page_views.keys()):
            if everykey != 'total':
        page_views['total'] = total


经过大量实验后,您无法访问 table 的值以及应用计时器(即使您在创建 table 时指定了 relative_field 选项).此问题的解决方法是创建另一个 table 来维护消息的时间戳并在业务逻辑中使用它们。

   if view.timestamp-page_views_timer[view.id+'_first_timestamp'] > 60:
         await anomaly_topic.send(value={//the data to be sent})

其中 page_views_timer 是新创建的 table。



You cannot modify a table outside of a stream operation; this means that you can only mutate the table from within an async for event in stream: block. We require this to align the table’s partitions with the stream’s, and to ensure the source topic partitions are correctly rebalanced to a different worker upon failure, along with any necessary table partitions.

Modifying a table outside of a stream will raise an error:

文档说您无法在流操作之外 access/modify table。


async def my_timer_function():
    # value does not matter as much as the send operation
    await my_calling_function.send(value="send data now!") 

async def my_calling_function(stream_from_timer_func):
    async for message in stream_from_timer_func:
        print(message) # this will print "send data now!"
        table_data = my_table['key']
        # Here is where you can access your table data and finish sending the 
        # message to the topic you want
        await my_topic.send(value=table_data)

如您所见,如果您使用定时器功能向代理发送消息,您可以访问您想要的 table,它只需要在

async for event in stream:
