
How to Get Image From Image Resource Id

我试过这样的东西我看到例子有它的可绘制名称并找到资源 ID ..现在我不知道可绘制名称我只需要从 imgresourceId 中找到它

这是我的图片资源 ID

int id = Integer.parseInt(data.getStringExtra("imgId"));

05-30 12:09:33.648: D/imgid(5461): 2130837579



ed_operator.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds( null, null, id, null );

第三个参数是可绘制的,所以如何将此图像资源 ID 转换为可绘制的


要从资源中获取图像,并且您知道它的 id ,请在 Activity 中执行以下操作:

// Get the id.
int id = Integer.parseInt(data.getStringExtra("imgId"));
// Get the drawable from the id.
Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(id);

嘿,您将资源 ID(intenger)作为额外的。并获得额外的字符串。设为

        int resID =  data.getIntExtra("imgId",-1);
        if(resID != -1 ){
          Drawable img = getResources().getDrawable( resID );
          img.setBounds( 0, 0, 60, 60 );

          ed_operator.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds( null, null, img, null );//if you dont have images already in drawable 
          ed_operator.setCompoundDrawables( null, null,img,null);//if you had set images in your drawable