MySQL 获取最小和最大列的匹配行,就像在一行中一样

MySQL get the matching rows for the min and max columns as in a single row

专家您好!我有一个时间表 table 如下


|employee_no    |time             |device_id|
|1              |2019-09-17 07:00 |001      |
|1              |2019-09-17 14:00 |002      |
|2              |2019-09-19 08:00 |002      |
|2              |2019-09-20 15:00 |003      |


select  timesheets.employee_no, 
        MIN(time) as in_time, 
        MAX(time) as out_time, 
        COUNT(`time`) as record_count
from timesheets 
where `time` between '2019-09-17 00:00:00' 
                      and '2019-09-17 23:59:59' 
group by timesheets.employee_no


|employee_no    |in_time          |out_time         |record_count|
|1              |2019-09-17 07:00 |2019-09-17 14:00 |2           |
|2              |2019-09-19 08:00 |2019-09-20 15:00 |2           |

现在我需要获取进出记录的 device_id 作为 time_in_device_idtime_out_device_id。如何实现?


select a.*,b.deviceid as indeviceid,b1.deviceid as outdeviceid from
    select  timesheets.employee_no, MIN(time) as in_time, MAX(time) as out_time, COUNT(`time`) as record_count
     from timesheets 
     where `time` between '2019-09-17 00:00:00' and '2019-09-17 23:59:59' group by timesheets.employee_no
    ) a join timesheets b on a.in_time=b.time
      join timesheets b1 a.out_time=b1.time

不要将 between 与时间一起使用。下面的更简单更准确。

MySQL 不提供 "first()" 和 "last()" 聚合函数。但是,您可以使用字符串操作来执行您想要的操作:

select ts.employee_no, 
       MIN(time) as in_time, 
       MAX(time) as out_time, 
       COUNT(time) as record_count,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(device_id ORDER BY time), ',', 1) as first_device_id,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(device_id ORDER BY time DESC), ',', 1) as lasst_device_id
from timesheets ts
where `time` >= '2019-09-17' and
      `time` < '2019-09-18' 
group by ts.employee_no