如何在闪电组件 salesforce 中获取查询字符串参数
how do I get the query string parameters in lightning component salesforce
我正在尝试从当前页面获取 url 查询字符串参数,我有以下代码:
doInit: function (component, event, helper) {
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
console.log("params::: ", urlParams);
if (urlParams.has("openSidebar") && urlParams.get("openSidebar") == true) {
console.log("redirection happening....");
component.set("v.showFeed", true);
component.set("v.isSidebarOpen", true);
出于某种原因,我似乎无法使用此行 var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); 我不知道为什么。
是否有任何替代方法或 salesforce 方法可以从 url 获取查询字符串参数?
我基本上一无所获,执行似乎停在我使用 URLSearchParams!
也很想知道为什么在这种情况下闪电不让普通 javascript 执行?
URLSearchParams() 也不能在我的浏览器上运行,但我想出了一个辅助函数来完成这项工作。
function getURLSearchParameters() {
const urlSearchParameters = {};
let searchParameters = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search);
if (searchParameters !== '') {
searchParameters = searchParameters.substring(1).split('&'); // get ride of '?'
for (let i = 0; i < searchParameters.length; i++) {
[key, value] = searchParameters[i].split('=');
urlSearchParameters[key] = value;
return urlSearchParameters;
很遗憾,我无法回答您的其他问题,因为我没有任何使用 salesforce 的经验
使用 new URLSearchParams
将 return 一个 class 的实例,而不是对象(或映射)。
您可以使用此代码将 key/pair 值转换为对象。然后您可以检查对象上的值:
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams('?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world')
const params = [...searchParams.entries()].reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[k] = v, a), {})
if (params.openSidebar === 'true') {
console.log("redirection happening....");
// do stuff here
Note, we use === 'true'
since the url parameter will always be a type of string.
const qs = '?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world'
.slice(1) // remove '?'
const d = decodeURIComponent // used to make it shorter, replace d with decodeURIComponent if you want
const params = qs
.split('&') // split string into key/pair
.map(s => s.split('=')) // split key/pair to key and pair
.reduce((a, [k, v]) => ((a[d(k)] = d(v)), a), {}) // set each object prop name to k, and value to v
Note, we use decodeURIComponent()
(or shorthand d()
) last, because the parameters may contain ampersands or equals signs. Should we call d()
first, we would split on these characters, which we don't want to happen.
我正在尝试从当前页面获取 url 查询字符串参数,我有以下代码:
doInit: function (component, event, helper) {
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
console.log("params::: ", urlParams);
if (urlParams.has("openSidebar") && urlParams.get("openSidebar") == true) {
console.log("redirection happening....");
component.set("v.showFeed", true);
component.set("v.isSidebarOpen", true);
出于某种原因,我似乎无法使用此行 var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); 我不知道为什么。
是否有任何替代方法或 salesforce 方法可以从 url 获取查询字符串参数?
我基本上一无所获,执行似乎停在我使用 URLSearchParams!
的那一行也很想知道为什么在这种情况下闪电不让普通 javascript 执行?
URLSearchParams() 也不能在我的浏览器上运行,但我想出了一个辅助函数来完成这项工作。
function getURLSearchParameters() {
const urlSearchParameters = {};
let searchParameters = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search);
if (searchParameters !== '') {
searchParameters = searchParameters.substring(1).split('&'); // get ride of '?'
for (let i = 0; i < searchParameters.length; i++) {
[key, value] = searchParameters[i].split('=');
urlSearchParameters[key] = value;
return urlSearchParameters;
很遗憾,我无法回答您的其他问题,因为我没有任何使用 salesforce 的经验
使用 new URLSearchParams
将 return 一个 class 的实例,而不是对象(或映射)。
您可以使用此代码将 key/pair 值转换为对象。然后您可以检查对象上的值:
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams('?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world')
const params = [...searchParams.entries()].reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[k] = v, a), {})
if (params.openSidebar === 'true') {
console.log("redirection happening....");
// do stuff here
Note, we use
=== 'true'
since the url parameter will always be a type of string.
const qs = '?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world'
.slice(1) // remove '?'
const d = decodeURIComponent // used to make it shorter, replace d with decodeURIComponent if you want
const params = qs
.split('&') // split string into key/pair
.map(s => s.split('=')) // split key/pair to key and pair
.reduce((a, [k, v]) => ((a[d(k)] = d(v)), a), {}) // set each object prop name to k, and value to v
Note, we use
(or shorthandd()
) last, because the parameters may contain ampersands or equals signs. Should we calld()
first, we would split on these characters, which we don't want to happen.