
Remove last occurrence of element containing substring from a list

所以说我有,list1 = ['the dog', 'the cat', 'cat dog', 'the dog ran home']

和sub_string = 'the dog'

我怎样才能 return list2 = ['the dog', 'the cat', 'cat dog']

即,return 删除了最后一次出现的子字符串的列表?

没有内置函数在这里对您有很大帮助,因为扫描 list 中的子字符串不是受支持的功能,并且以相反的顺序执行此操作非常困难。列表推导式也不会有多大用处,因为让它们足够有状态以识别您何时找到针头会涉及向列表推导式添加副作用,这使得它变得神秘并且违反了函数式编程工具的目的。所以你被困在自己循环中:

list2 = []
list1iter = reversed(list1)  # Make a reverse iterator over list1
for item in list1iter:
    if sub_string in item:   # Found item to remove, don't append it, we're done
    list2.append(item)       # Haven't found it yet, keep item
list2.extend(list1iter)      # Pull all items after removed item
list2.reverse()              # Put result back in forward order

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另一种方法是按索引扫描,这样您就可以 del 它;如果您想就地修改 list1 而不是创建新的 list:

for i, item in enumerate(reversed(list1), 1):
    if sub_string in item:
        del list1[-i]

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该解决方案适用于通过简单地将对 list1 的所有引用更改为 list2 并在循环之前添加 list2 = list1[:] 来制作新副本。

在这两种情况下,您都可以通过在 for 上放置一个 else: 块来检测是否找到了某个项目;如果 else 块触发,则您没有 break,因为在任何地方都找不到 sub_string



  1. 查找包含子字符串的元素。
  2. 删除元素。


import re

pattern = re.compile('the dog') # target pattern 
my_list = ['the dog', 'the cat', 'cat dog', 'the dog ran home'] # our list
my_list = enumerate(my_list) # to get indexes corresponding to elemnts i.e. [(0, 'the dog'), (1, 'the cat'), (2, 'cat dog'), (3, 'the dog ran home')]
elems = list(filter(lambda x: pattern.search(x[1]), my_list) # match the elements in the second place and filter them out, remember filter in python 3.x returns an iterator
print(elems) # [(0, 'the dog'), (3, 'the dog ran home')]
del my_list[elems[-1][0]] # get the last element and take the index of it and delete it.


正如 ShadowRunner 所建议的那样,我们可以通过使用带有 if 语句的列表理解而不是 filter 函数来优化代码。

elems = [i for i, x in enumerate(my_list) if pattern.search(x)]


  1. 找到最后一次出现的索引。
  2. Return 与该索引不匹配的所有元素。


needle = 'the dog'
haystack = ['the dog', 'the cat', 'cat dog', 'the dog ran home']

last = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(haystack) if needle in val)
result = [e for i, e in enumerate(haystack) if i != last]



['the dog', 'the cat', 'cat dog']

有关查找最后一次出现的索引的更多详细信息,请参阅 this

list1 = ['the dog', 'the cat','the dog me', 'cat dog']
sub_string = 'the dog'

for i in list1[::-1]:
    if sub_string in i:

输出 ['the dog'、'the cat'、'the dog me'、'cat dog']

一种解决方案是以倒序遍历输入并在倒序列表中找到索引。之后,使用索引对输入进行切片 list1.

idx = next(i for i, s in enumerate(reversed(list1), 1) if sub_string in s)
list2 = list1[:-idx]  # If in-place updates are intended, use `del list1[-idx:]` instead