TestCafe 框架使用

TestCafe framework usage

有人对 Devexpress TestCafe 工具有确切的了解吗?

我发现 "User can get the JavaScript codes, which has been created on the test page at the time of recording. User can directly copy-paste those codes in any other projects."

但我不确定用户是否可以在 TestCafe 中执行 his/her 自己的项目。请帮忙。

TestCafe 是一个功能性的网络测试框架。它用于创建和执行功能性 Web 测试。您可以通过以下链接了解更多关于功能测试和 TestCafe 的信息:

Unit tests vs Functional tests

TestCafe Documentation

TestCafe Studio, a cross-platform IDE for end-to-end web testing

What is the difference between a paid and an open-source TestCafe version? What is TestCafe Studio?